
  • Period: to

    the laser

  • The Theory of The Laser "Albert Einstien

    The Theory of The Laser "Albert Einstien
    Albert Einstien theorized about the process that makes laser possible. It is called "Stimulated Emission"
  • The Maser

    The Maser
    Charles Townes and Aurthur schawlow invented a machine called the maser which means: microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. This is the beginning of the laser. The laser will evolve from this.
  • Published Papers

    Charles Townes and Arthur Schawlow theriorized about a visible laser. They wrote papers that were then published. They thought obout making an infared/or visible light. They did not proceed with the research at the time.
  • Gourdon Gould

    Gourdon Gould was the first person to use the word laser. Gourdon was a medical student at Columbia. He was inspired to biuld his optical laser in 1958. He failed to file for a patent until 1959.
  • The Patent

    In 1959 Charles Townes and Arthur Schawlow were granted a patent for the maser. It was used for amplifying radio signals. It also was used for ultrasonic detectors for space research
  • The First Laser

    Theodor Maiman envented a ruby laser.It was the first real laser.
  • The Gas Laser

    The first gas laser was invented by Ali Javan in 1960. It was the first continuous-light laser.
  • The Carbon Doxide Laser

    the corbon dioxide laser was invented by Kumar Patel in 1964.
  • the Eximer laser

    Doctor Stevens patented the examiner laser for vision correction.
    It was used before for etching computer chips.
  • Gourdon Gould Finally Got His Patent

    Gourdon Gould Finally Got His Patent
    It took until 1977 to win his patent war and recieve his first patent for the laser.