Court gravel

Landmark Timeline: Nadia Rad

  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    This case declared that state laws established under Plessy v. Ferguson violated the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment. Upon further examination, the court determined that, these laws which established "separate but equal" schools were unconstitutional. As a result, it was a declared that equal education is a right of ALL students. This also became a catalyst for the fight for rights of students with disabilities.
  • Period: to

    Relevant court cases leading to equal education for students with special needs

  • PARC v. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

    PARC v. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    Prior to this case the state of Pennsylvania did not have public education student with physical or mental disabilities. As a result of this case, the state of Pennsylvania issued a decree demanding education be provided for ALL students regardless of their handicap. This was relevant because after this the Federal Department of Education mandated access to free education for ALL students which would establish early laws around special education law nationwide.
  • The passage of EFAHC or IDEA

    The passage of EFAHC or IDEA
    "The passing of this act guaranteed access to free, appropriate, public education (FAPE) in the least restrictive environment to every child with a disability."
  • Irving Independent School Dist. v. Tatro

    Irving Independent School Dist. v. Tatro
    This case, brought on by parents of a child with Spina Bifida asserted that the Handicapped Act should be required to provide special services to handicapped students. This was impactful because it forced the courts to define Special Education and services related to it. A valuable milestone in the fight for support to equal education.
  • Honig v. Doe

    Honig v. Doe
    Two students with emotional disabilities were expelled from school for being violent and disruptive which were reactions related to their disabilities. The court determined that students cannot be denied education for misbehavior as a result of their conditions and disabilities. Which further determined that these students had a right to be in a classroom, even if that meant they had to be in specialized programs which addressed their individual needs.

    The IDEA is often revisited and revised to be meet the current needs of students with disabilities and best serve them in their educational growth. The revisions in 2004 were most notably around the determination of qualified teachers, the call for more early intervention programs, and greater accountability nationwide to meet educational goals and the requirements, and the addition of the work "improvement" in its name.