Photo on 2011 11 03 at 11.51  2

Labor to Birth

  • Before labor begins

    Before labor begins
    The cervix is normal size and shape.
  • First Stage of Labor

    First Stage of Labor
    Contractions make cervix dilate. Cervix becomes thinner which is called effacement.
  • Transition

    Transition completes the work of the first stage. The cervix is fully dialated to 10 cenimeters.
  • Second Stage of Labor: Crowning

    Second Stage of Labor: Crowning
    When the top of the head appears at the opening of the birth canal.
  • Head Emergies

    Head Emergies
    The babys head actually emergies. The head is cone shaped but will return back to normal shape.
  • Third Stage: Labor

    Third Stage: Labor
    The woman gives birth to the placenta which the baby no longer needs.