l ptaszynski timeline

By Luke P
  • Period: Feb 24, 1400 to

    Hutu vs Tutsi

    The Hutu are believed to have come to Rwanda between the 5th and 11th century. The Tutsi are believed to have shown up in the 14th century. The Tutsi dissolved into the culture in small numbers. Through the ownership of cattle and great hand to hand combat skills the Tutsi became superior to the native Hutu. This caused an increased tension between the Hutu and the Tutsi. To deal with this they drew up a contract know as the Ubuhake.
  • Period: Feb 24, 1400 to

    Hutu vs Tutsi 2

    In the beginning it meant that the Hutu would offer personal military service in exchange for some cattle. Over time it became a feudal variant. The Tutsi minority had power land and cattle over the Hutu majority.
  • Karl Peters leaves Zanizibar

    Karl Peters leaves Zanizibar
    Karl Peters was a 28 year old that studied the progress of British imperialism. He left from Zanzibar in late 1884. He traveled Africa inland and stayed there for the next several months. He stayed got signatures from different African tribes to sign a treaty for an organization know as the "Society for German Colonialism". Afterwards he traveled to Germany for the Berlin conference in 1885 right before the conference ended.
  • Germany declairs German east africa at berlin conferance

    Germany declairs German east africa at berlin conferance
    Karl Peters makes it to the end of the Berlin conference with signatures from east Africa tribes. Bismarck accepts these treaties as German control in east Africa. Karl receives land to a German East Africa Company while he promoted African colonization. This company did not do so well due to revolts destroying most of the equipment. So in 1888, the government steps in a takes it over.
  • Germany rules rwanda

    Germany rules rwanda
    After a struggle between the British, Belgian and German powers, Rwanda was handed over to the Germans took it over. The Germans used an indirect control on Rwanda. This political structure was used by the Miami. The Germans also used military force to control Hutu leaders in the north that did not come under control. In the 1920s and 30s the Germans started demanding tax in the form cash instead of plants. This forced the people to produce massive amounts of coffee trees.
  • Period: to

    Belgum supervise Rwanda

    Belgium mandated a change after the formation of the United Nations that Rwanda needed a change in power. They agreed as long as they applied the Rwandans into the government process. In 1952 Belgium brought a ten year development plan to the table. It was designed to promote political progress and social stability. Sadly it caused the Tutsi with low political and high social and the opposite is said for the Hutu. In 1959 with civil war tension raising the Belgian administration millitary forces
  • Rwanda decairs independince

    Rwanda decairs independince
    Newley elected prsident Gregoire Kayibanda is elected.He is also the leader of the Parmehutu. A new consitution is written but soon after in 1963 they are invaded by the tutsi. The Tutsis are masacared leaving over 12,000 dead and coutless more left flleeing.
  • Gregoire Kayibanda reelected

    Gregoire Kayibanda reelected
    Gregoire Kayibanda Ruled for almost another 4 years until he was bloodlessly overthrown in 1973. This rebellion was Major General Juvenal Habyarimana. The newly formed constitution from 1962 was partially suspended.
  • cival war begins

    Civil war began and 5000 to10000 Tutsi invaded Rwanda from neighboring Uganda. Although there was a time of cease fire on March 29, 1991. Not long afterwards the president signed a bill allowing opposing parties. Prior to this they only had a republican Party In February 1992 the president started talking with thenewley formed parties. This new party reached 12 members already.