Kite Runner & History of Afghanistan

  • Hassan gets his cleft lip fixed 1974

    For Hassan's birthday Baba gets him a surgeon to fix his cleft lip. The surgeon does a great job, and Hassan was so happy, "he was smiling" (Hosseini 47). Hassan finally got his lip fixed. he was overjoyed by the result.
  • Hassan Gets Raped 1975

    In chapter seven of the Kite Runner it is 1975, and the kite flying competition had just taken place, and Hassan was raped by Assef. Due to his obedience to Amir, “Hassan didn’t struggle, didn’t even whimper" while being raped (Hosseini 75). He did not resist Assef because he knew that it was the only way he could get the Kite for Amir. He was being a loyal friend.
  • Afghanistan 1975

    In 1975, "Mohammed Daud seizes power in a coup and declares a republic. Tries to play off USSR against Western powers."
  • 1976 Ali and Hassan leave Baba and Amir's house

    In 1976 Ali and Hassan leave Baba and Amirs house because Amir frames them for theft. Amir put some of his new birthday presents under Hassan's mattress. This gets Ali and Hassan kicked out. Amir felt so bad he wondered, "When I'd become capable of causing this kind of pain" (Hosseini 105). This quotes shows the immediate guilt amir had. He wanted to undo his actions, but he could not.
  • Afghanistan 1978

    In 1978, "General Daud is overthrown and killed in a pro-Soviet coup. The People's Democratic Party comes to power but is paralysed by violent infighting and faces opposition by US-backed mujahideen groups."
  • 1981 Baba and Amir leave Afghanistan because Russia invades

    In chapter 10 the year is 1981, and it is march. Amir and Baba must leave Kabul due to the fact that Russia is invading. The action of leaving makes Amir feel sick. This is proven when he states, "My innards had been rolling since we'd left Kabul just after two in the morning" (Hosseini 110). This shows how Amir felt about leaving Kabul. He did not want to at all.
  • Summer of 1983 Amir graduates from high school

    In the summer of 1983, Amir graduates from high school. He was twenty when he graduated. Amir was the oldest senior in his high school. This is proven when he states, " I graduated high school at the age of twenty, by far the oldest senior tossing his mortarboard on the football field that day" (Hossenini 131). This quote explains how Amir received his education at a late age. This was due to the lack of education in Afghanistan.
  • In 1984 Amir meets Soraya Taheri

    In chapter twelve Amir meets the lovely Soraya. He instantly falls in love. This is proven when he says, "After I met Soraya Taheri, every night of the week became a yelda for me. And when the Sunday mornings came, I rose from my bed, Soraya Taheri's brown-eyed face already in my head. (Hosseini 143). This shows Amir's love for Soraya. This also shows how she was what he frequently thought about, day and night.
  • Amir and Soraya get married 1985

    In chapter twelve Amir is preparing to ask Soraya's father for his permission to marry Soraya. In an attempt to get to know Soraya better, Amir says to her, 'Would you like to read one of my stories" (Hosseini 147)? This shows Amir's longing to understand Soraya, and become better aquatinted. He does this also because he intends to marry her.
  • Afghanistan 1985

    In 1985, "Mujahideen come together in Pakistan to form alliance against Soviet forces. Half of Afghan population now estimated to be displaced by war, with many fleeing to neighboring Iran or Pakistan."
  • Baba dies in 1986

    In chapter 13, Baba is suffering from cancer, and dies shortly after the wedding of Amir and Soraya. A quote that explains this event is, "Not tonight, he said. There is no pain tonight. Okay, she said. She pulled up his blanket. We closed the door. Baba never woke up" (Hosseini 173). This quote illustrates how one moment Baba was there, in Amir's life, and in the next moment he had passed away. Although he died, he did get to witness Amir's wedding.
  • Amir gets his first novel published in 1988

    In 1988, Amir got his first novel published. He finished it in the summer of 1989.This was six months before the Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan.A quote that supports this is when Amir says, "I finished my first novel, a father-son relationship story set in Kabul, written mostly with the typewriter the general had given me" (Hosseini 182).This shows how much Amir cared for Baba, because he included him in his novel. Also, he was a good writer because he wrote his story on a typewriter.
  • Afghanistan 1989

    In 1989, "Last Soviet troops leave, but civil war continues as mujahideen push to overthrow Najibullah."
  • Sohrab is born 1990

    In 1990 Sohrab was born to Hassan and his wife. The baby was delivered by Hassan's mother. A quote that proves this is, "It was Sanaubar who delivered Hassan's son that winter of 1990"
    (Hosseini 211). This quote shows how Hassan's mother came back. Also, how she made herself helpful.
  • Afghanistan 1992

    In 1992, "Najibullah's government toppled, but a devastating civil war follows."
  • Afghanistan 1996

    In 1996, "Taliban seize control of Kabul and introduce hard-line version of Islam, banning women from work, and introducing Islamic punishments, which include stoning to death and amputations."
  • In 2000 Hassan and Farzana are killed by the Taliban

    In Chapter 17, Hassan and Farzana's deaths are explained to the reader, and to Amir. Amir takes the news very poorly. He states, "But all I could manage was to whisper "'No. No. No' over and over again" (Hosseini 219). This quote explains Amir's frustration with Hassan's death. It also explain how he is in disbelief.
  • Amir stands up for Hassan when General Taheri calls him a Hazara in 2001

    One night Amir has general Taheri over for dinner. General Taheri says, "He's just a Hazara" (Hosseini 289). This upset Amir greatly. It reminded him of Assef and Hassan.
  • 2001 Amir finds Sohrab with is wrists cut bleeding out in a bath tub

    One day Amir came into the bathroom of their hotel and found Hassan with his wrists cut. Amir was soo shocked he said, "I was still screaming when the ambulance arrived. (Hosseini 343). This happened after Hassan thought he would have to go back to an orphanage, but in reality, Amir was on his way to tell him he didn't have to.
  • Afghanistan 2001

    In September 2001, "Ahmad Shah Masood, leader of the main opposition to the Taliban - the Northern Alliance is assassinated."
  • Sohrab smiles for the first time 2002

    In 2002 Sohrab smiled for the first time. Amir is very happy by this because he states, "I looked down at Sohrab. One corner of his mouth had curled up just so. A smile" (Hosseini 370). The smile Sohrab showed made Amir very happy. Also, he was glad he could finally bring happiness into Sohrabs life.
  • In 2002 Amir takes Sohrab kite flying.

    This is a very important event because it is a parallel to when Amir and Hassan went kite flying and Hassan got raped. Hassan used to run down the kites for Amir, but now Amir was running the kite down, and he said to Sohrab, "For you a thousand times over" (Hosseini 371). This is a flash back to what Hassan told Amir. Amir is just as loyal to Sohrab, and Hassan was to him.
  • Afghanistan 2008

    In July 2008 , "Suicide bomb attack on Indian embassy in Kabul kills more than 50."
  • Afghanistan 2009

    In December 2009, "US President Obama decides to boost US troop numbers in Afghanistan by 30,000, bringing total to 100,000. He says US will begin withdrawing its forces by 2011."
  • Afghanistan 2016

    In September 2016, "The Afghan government signs a peace agreement with the militant group Hezb-e-Islami which grants immunity to the group's leader Gulbuddin Hekmatyar."