Kim Kane- Antebellum

  • Millard Fillmore

    Millard Fillmore
    Millard Fillmore becomes president due to President Taylor's death. Millard Fillmore supported the Compromise of 1850. Then the Compromise became a law.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabi,

    Uncle Tom's Cabi,
    In 1852, Harriet Beacher Stowe published Uncle Tom's Cabin. It is antislavery novel that showed the brutality of slavery. Southerners tried to make the novel seem like lies.
  • Franklin Pierce

    Franklin Pierce
    Half of the Whig party supported slavery and half of it didn't. Because the Whig Parties split, it lost much of it's power as a party. As a result, the Democratic candidate,Franklin Pierce won the election in 1852.
  • Nebraska Territory

    Nebraska Territory
    Stephen Douglas wanted to split the Nebraska Territiory into two territiories-- Nebraska and Kansas. The north argued both Nebraska and Kansas should be free states. The north disagreed with Douglas because they thought his plan would help increase slavery. The Kansas- Nebraska Act became a law in 1854
  • Republican Party

    Republican Party
    New Republican Party forms in 1854. The party's main competition was the KNow-Nothing party. Both parties wanted the votes from the same group of people.
  • Know Nothing Party

    Know Nothing Party
    Nativists form the Know-Nothing Party, They were against immigration. They did well in thr 1854 elections, but after the party split it disapeared.
  • Republicans

    The Republican Party formed in 1854. People who were angered by the Whig Party sided with the Republicans. They ran their first candidiate, John C. Fremont, for president. He was a Democrat.
  • Dred Scott Case

    Dred Scott Case
    In 1857, the Supreme Court made their descision on the Dred Scott Case. The court ruled that the slaves were considered property. As a result territories could not exclude slavery because it was denying a person their property.
  • Douglas Vs. Lincoln

    Douglas Vs. Lincoln
    In 1858, Stephen Douglas ran for re-election for the Senate. Abraham Lincoln ran against him. They had major debates over slavery because Lincoln was against it but did not want popular sovereignty and Douglas wanted popular sovereignty.
  • John Brown

    John Brown
    John Brown was a Northern White Abolitionist. He tried to start a slave rebellion at Harper's Ferry.They wanted to steal amunition. He was convicted of treason and was hanged.