Today's base needs

khoover-schools of thought

  • skinner's rats

    skinner's rats
  • paul ekman's false emotions

    paul ekman's false emotions
  • maslow's hierarchy of needs

    maslow's hierarchy of needs
  • armand aserinsky and REM sleep

    armand aserinsky and REM sleep
  • freud and dreams

    freud and dreams
    Freud claimed that dreams held manifest and latent content. Manifest content represents the remembered storyline while latent content may be described as the underlying meaning of a dream.
  • the whole image (gestalt perception)

    the whole image (gestalt perception)
    Gestalt perception is the tendency for humans to percieve an organized whole. A few types of gestalt perception are figure-ground, pproximity, similarity, contnuity, connectedness, and closure.
  • language relativity

    language relativity
    Benjamin Lee Wharf claimed that our language determines the way we think.
  • hidden observer

    hidden observer
  • ivan pavlov's classical conditioning

    ivan pavlov's classical conditioning
  • piaget and cognition

    piaget and cognition