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Khmer empire

  • 500

    the earliest record

    the earliest record
    the earliest recorded khmer ruler is Rudravarman. his throne name combines the name of hindu god or a powerful attribute with the suffix varman, meaning 'protected by.' Tradition hold that he ruled from Angkor Borei, a center of early Khmer cultural and political development, known for works such as this sandstone statue of Vishnu.
  • Period: May 26, 1181 to Feb 5, 1215

    reign of jayarvarman

    He was considered to be the greatest khmer king in history. He revitalizes the empire the empire which had been torn by internal fighting and battke losses to champa, a kingdom known as vietnam
  • May 5, 1327

    sanscrit info

    sanscrit info
    the last sanscrit inscription earned in angkor commemorates the ascension of a minor king. Archeologist consider this the end of the classic khmer empire
  • Jul 30, 1528

    rivers of khmer

    The official court of the Khmer elite moves to Lovek, on the Tonle Sap River, a tributary of the Mekong, which flows to the South China Sea. Lovek, like Phnom Penh, was an inland port of international maritime commerce, with large populations of Malay, Chinese, and Japanese traders.
  • discoverey of the temple

    french naturalist Alexandre—Henri Mouhot visits the ruins of Angkor and discovers a temple that has been long forgotten