Key Points in the American revolution

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  • Royal Proclamation

    Was created to avoid conflict between aborigonals and colonists. the settlers continued to pass the line and explore further past it. the proclamtion line was unsucesful.
  • Sugar Act

    was a tax placed on sugar, molasses and opther foregin products, and was used to rais money from britan. it decresaed business and the product were sm,uggled over. it was unsucessful because the products were not bought or smuggled over.
  • Stamp Act

    A tax placed on any paper products that was created to raise money for britan. it decreased the buying of paper products and they were smuggled in instead. and was repealed later on.
  • Declaratory Act

    Full power and authority of parlament to make laws and bind colonies and the people of america. it was placed to assure britna power over the colonies. though it wsa not noticed by many people, so there was not much result.
  • Townshend Act

    tax put on common goodssuch as tea, lead, glass and was used to raise money for britan and was payed at the ports instead of taxed products when they were bought. it was in palce for quite some time before it was repealed/
  • Boston Massacre

    50 protestors faced a small group of british soldiers. 5 colonists were shot and it sparked the revolution as the colonists became further angered with britan.
  • Tea Act

    Tax placed on all tea products to save a british tea company. this caused the tea party which resulted in lots of tea being dumped in the ocean. also colonists became more angery and stopped buying tea.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Laws set in place to punish the people of boston and massachusetts because they were angery over the boston tea party. the people because more hostile toward britan.
  • Quebec Act

    Extended quebecs bounderies south to the Ohio river.Overriding thew claims of conneticut, massachusetts and virginia. Colonists became enraged and began to seperate themselves from britan.