Key International treaties after WW1

  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk: March 3, 1918

    Treaty of Brest-Litovsk: March 3, 1918
    This is the first treaty which was agreed between Russia and Germany, and of which, Russia had sided with allies and the treaty was included with other members of its central powers temporary alliance. The treaty was very harsh as Russia lost to Germany
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    Key International Treaties After WW1

    Peace treaties that occurred after the first world war from
    Versailles to Lausanne
  • Treaty of Versailles: June 28, 1919

    Treaty of Versailles: June 28, 1919
    This treaty specifically designated Germany responsible for losses and damages from the war. Germany was made to pay war damages which reflected heavily on the nation, leading to fuelled Nazi propaganda which is to be believed that it was partially a cause of the second world war.
  • Treaty of Saint-Germain-en-Laye: September 10, 1919

    Treaty of Saint-Germain-en-Laye: September 10, 1919
    The Saint-Germain-en-Laye treaty established peace between Austria and it's allies when they declared the dismantlement of the Austro-Hungarian empire into fewer smaller states. Which then leads to future tensions.
  • Treaty of Neuilly-sur-Seine: November 27, 1919

    Treaty of Neuilly-sur-Seine: November 27, 1919
    Many allies signed a treaty with Bulgaria, which had actually joined forces with Germany in 1915 in Neuilly, a suburb in Paris. It saw the Bulgarian capital, Sofia lose lots of land to Yugoslavia, Romania and Greece, which left Bulgaria without very direct access to the Aegean Sea
  • Treaty of Trianon: June 4, 1920

    Treaty of Trianon: June 4, 1920
    The Treaty of Trianon was declared at Versailles between Hungry and its allies which lost two thirds of its land it had possession of as part of the Austro-Hungarian empire. This resulted in 3 million Hungarians that ended up living just outside their country. They usually ended up in Romania.