Key Events of Melbourne's Development

  • Melbourne is founded between John Batman and John Fawkner

    This is an important event as it marks the beginning of Melbourne's development.
  • William Lonsdale built the first government block

    This event is significant because with the building of the government block Melbourne was declared the capital of the Port Phillip district
  • The Hoddle Grid of streets for the central business district is surveyed by Robert Hoddle

    The layout formed by Hoddle was to be Melbourne's official layout and has been to the current date
  • First inner-city land sale

    The first step in the creation of Melbourne's CBD
  • A large sandstone gaol is built in Russell Street

    This second gaol was built due to the overflow prisoners from the other prison in Melbourne
  • First Princes Bridge constructed

    Was the first permanent to connect both sides of the Yarra
  • Melbourne declared a city by Queen Victoria

    Was an important day in Melbourne's history as it was finally recognised as it's own city
  • Melbourne Hospital founded (now Royal Melbourne Hospital)

    This was the first hospital to open it's doors to the general public which meant everyone Melbournian could receive the same level of medical treatment
  • Victoria becomes a colony, separate from New South Wales

    Victoria was seen as established enough to become independant and separate from New South Wales
  • Beginning of the Victorian gold rush with discovery of gold at Clunes

    This began the start of mass migration of foreigners to Melbourne in hope of finding gold
  • First city gas works opened.

    Gas within Melbourne was very important as it provided lighting and heat all over the city.
  • State Library of Victoria founded

    The State Library grew to be a historical and famous part of Melbourne.
  • University of Melbourne opened

    The opening of the University of Melbourne encouraged people to complete tertiary studies and educated people to a higher level.
  • First inter-city telegraph service

    This increased communication between the cities of Victoria and was a common resource of communication within Victoria
  • The Burke and Wills expedition departed from Royal Park.

    Although the expedition was not successful it gave the Victorian government a better idea of the land around Melbourne and further out.
  • The Supreme Court building is completed.

  • City streets first lit by electric lighting

    Electricity was a huge scietific development so when Melbourne was first lit by electric lighting it was seen as a big step to the future.
  • The Commonwealth of Australia is formed. Melbourne becomes national capital.

    Melbourne becoming the national capital was a historical moment in Australia's history and really reinforced how far Melbourne had come since 1935.
  • First radio station 3AR (now known as Radio National.)

    Newspaper was the only form of news broadcast so when radio was introduced to Melbourne it was an huge revolution in the media world.
  • Federal Parliament is moved to Canberra, the new national capital

    This caused huge upset in Melbourne as they wished to stay the nations captital but were stripped of the title.
  • Melbourne City Council installs the city's first set of traffic lights at Collins and Swanston streets

    This would of reduced the number of road accidents in Melbourne dramatically.
  • The Great Depression began.

    This economic catastrophe sent Melbourne into storm of unemployment, money loss and food rationing.
  • Great Depression ended in Melbourne

    Melbourne slowly recovers from the economic devastation caused by the Great Depression and the economy begins to grow strong again.
  • City's first parking meters are installed

    This could've caused citizens to opt for walking or public transport rather than driving in the city and and having to pay for parking.
  • First television station in Melbourne HSV-7 is televised for public viewing

    This enabled Melbournians to watch live broadcasts of the Melbourne Olympic Games.
  • Olympics held in Melbourne

    Having the Olympics in Melbourne created a world wide focus on Melbourne and a huge population boom.
  • Colour television introduced.

    Having television in colour was another scientific revolution that put Melbourne a step closer to the future.
  • The City Loop subway is opened

    The city loop subway was a convinient way to travel around the city without taking up room above ground where other developements could be built.
  • Car-bombing outside the Russell Street Police Headquarters

    This car bombing shocked the citizens of Melbourne as it was targeted attack of terisom that Melbourne had experienced.
  • Hoddle Street Massacre

    This was one of the bloodiest massacres in Victoria's history which caused a slump in night time business in the CBD due to peoples fear of an event similar occuring again.
  • Southbank promenade opens

    The opening of Southbank paved the way for urban renewal in the Southbank area.
  • Melbourne experiences a severe economic slump

    City property markets crashed and CBD vacancy rates reached an all time high due to this slump.
  • Melbourne Exhibition and Convention Centre opens

    Melbourne Exhibition centre is has hosted world famous exhibitions and conventions and the events held there have attracted tourists from all over the world.
  • Development of the Docklands area begins

  • The new site for Crown Casino and Entertainment Complex opens

    Crown Casino was Melbourne's first gambling centre to open in Melbourne which attracted and still attracts large crowds today.
  • Controversial Melbourne 2030 planning policy introduced

    This policy was aimed to increase population in designated 'activity centres' and curb urban sprawl. Promises to increase public transport usage to 20% of motorised trips by 2020.
  • Commonwealth Games held.

    The Commonwealth Games helped increase the number of tourists coming to Melbourne to visit and watch the games.
  • Melbourne Celebrates 175th Birthday

    A milestone in Melbourne's history - We have been an independent city for 175 years!
  • The iPad 500 comes out and experiences record LOW sales

    The iPad 500 was released into Melbourne stores and received a record low level of sales on it's first day - only 30 people bought it as it was released.
  • Melbourne CBD floods to record levels

    Continous heavy rain over a 5 day period causes the Melbourne CBD to flood to record levels and is highly destructive to much of the infrastructure and buildings.
  • Melbourne to Brisbane trainline opens for business

    This trainline creates an fast, affordable method of transport between the cities which will wnable more visitors to come to Melbourne on a daily basis.
  • First successful cure for cancer is used in Melbourne hospitals

    This cure reduces the cancer fatality rates in Melbourne by over 50%.