Kenny's Life

  • Birth

    Born on March 28th 2001.
  • Knew How to Walk and Talk

    I knew how to say words like Mama and Papa, and also learned how to walk.
  • Traveled to Hong Kong

    Traveled to Hong Kong
    I traveled to Hong Kong to visit my dad.
  • Junior Kindergarten in Hong Kong

    I was in junior kindergarten in Hong Kong.
  • Serious Fever

    Serious Fever
    I had a serious fever and had to go to the hospital.
  • Went to the Hong Kong Disneyland

    I went to Hong Kong's Disneyland and had a fun time there.
  • First Honor Roll

    First Honor Roll
    I had my firhst honor roll in Grade 5 at Parkland.
  • Had a Piano Competition

    Had a Piano Competition
    I had a piano competition and received two 2nd place certificates.