Kennedy Furano's Timeline

By kfurano
  • Period: to

    Kennedy's Timeline

  • Kennedy Born

    Kennedy Born
    June 11, 2003 is my parent's favorite day, because that is when I was born. I was born at Youngstown St. Elizabeth Hospital at 5:33am.
  • Tsunami in South East Asia

    Tsunami in South East Asia
    A tsunami is an earthquake underwater causing massive tidal waves and destrution. On December 24, 2004, a tsunami occurred in South East Asia causing thousands of deaths.
  • First Day of Preschool

    First Day of Preschool
    I went to preschool at the Boardman YMCA. I loved going to preschool at the YMCA, because we got to swim.
  • First Cleveland Indians Game

    First Cleveland Indians Game
    I went to my first Cleveland Indians game with my Mom, Dad and Aunt Robbie. I made a Slider mascot Build A Bear in the stadium.
  • Joined BSA Soccer

    Joined BSA Soccer
    I love playing soccer for Boardman Soccer Association, because I like to meet new friends and run. I now play for the U12 Girls Competitive Soccer Team.
  • Royal Wedding

    Royal Wedding
    One of the most watched weddings from my life has been the Royal Weddin in England. Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, married Catherine Middleton in London, England.
  • Thanksgiving in Walt Disney World

    Thanksgiving in Walt Disney World
    My family and my friend Athony went to Walt Disney World for Thanksgiving. We went to all the parks and road every roller coaster.
  • Won Miss Ohio Photogenic

    Won Miss Ohio Photogenic
    I won Miss Ohio Photogenic with the National American Miss Pageant. Since I won Miss Ohio Photogenic, I got to travel to Hollywood California to compete in the National American Miss National Pageant.
  • Pope Francis

    Pope Francis
    On March 13, 2013, Pope Francis was appointed Bishop of Rome. He is the 266th Pope of the Catholic Church.
  • Crowned Miss Buckeye State Sweetheart

    Crowned Miss Buckeye State Sweetheart
    In July of this year, I competed in the Miss American Coed Pageant and won Miss Buckeye State Sweetheart in my division. I will be competing in November in Orlando, Florida for the National crown.