Dangerous Creations

  • Journal Entry One

    Dear Journal,
    My name is Davis Williams, and I have made a discovery that I cannot afford to be leaked. At first I thought that it was just some crazy idea, but I'm starting to think that this crazy idea just may be crazy enough to actually work. My idea is brilliant--- dangerously brilliant, even--- so it's important that I be extremely careful. I will try to keep it a top secret project of mine. Not even my own family can have knowledge of it.
  • Journal Entry Two

    Dear Journal,
    My day has been terrible. My idea got leaked. I don't know who did this, and I don't know how, but I was taken. I am now being forced to explain how and why I decided to act on this idea. Not only have they stolen all of my research, but they were conducting their own experiments with it, and... it worked. I'm afraid of what they'll do with the creations.
  • Journal Entry Three

    Dear Jornal,
    My captors are forcing me to work for them, in exchange for another day to live. Since I know the most about what they're doing, they want me to give them even more information about it. I've seen their first creation. Extracting the best traits of a raven from its own DNA and fusing it with a human's, they brought me to their lab to look at the experiment.
  • Journal Entry Four

    Dear Journal,
    I saw the first creation today. The subject was female, and looked almost exactly like a human. Each wing was twice as large as her entire body; making her wingspan quite long. Seeing her run during training was amazing, but seeing her fly outside was life-changing. I could hardly believe my own eyes. All of my research was right there in front of me. I should be scared. I should be terrified at the fact that I'm a hostage, but... I'm just too excited to see the creation.
  • Journal Entry 5

    She looks about the age of sixteen. I haven't observed her enough. I didn't even get to see if she was more like a machine, or if she actually had a soul. All that I know about her is that she has pale skin and pitch plack hair to match her enormous wings. She looked at me once, and the stare was so deep that I couln't tell if she looked more like an angel or a demon.
  • Meeting Midnight 1

    By some sort of miracle, they've allowed me to step into Midnight's testing room. When I opened the steel door, I found her sitting on the floor of the large white room; her dark hair illuminating her sharp, blue eyes.
    "Hello." I said quietly, trying to swallow my own nervousness like a pill. Midnight stared at me while I searched her body language for any sign of intelligence.
  • Meeting Midnight 2

    The next day I observed her again. It only made me wonder if all of my expectaions were wrong. I had written in my journal about how the creations would be monsters. Since they were part animal, they would eat other animals below them on the food chain. I don't even know if she can communicate.
    "Hello." I said to her again. Her eyes flickered to me from the feathers she was smoothing down on one of her wings. She stared at me even more, and I knew that she wouldn't be talking today.
  • Meeting Midnight 3

    Midnight wasn't budging. I was tired, and nearly feel asleep in my chair when I heard something. It was a high-pitched, shrillin voice.
    "Don't tell me you're tired."
    My eyes snapped open and I stared at her in amazement.
    "Are you talking? This is amazing! My own creation--"
    "I am anything but your creation. I was taken to this place no differently than you were. Except... I was turned into a monster."
  • Meeting Midnight 4

    I couldn't get over this new feeling of guilt flooding throughout my system. Something I had been so excited about a minute ago was now gone in the blink of an eye.
    She isn't my experiment. She's a victim. This isn't a lab... it's a prison.
    She nodded slowly as everything sank into my mind.
    "I've been here for five years, sir. I'm not the first superhuman, I'm just a survivor."
    "Why didn't you fly away when you were outside?" I asked.
    "The grounds are heavily guarded."
  • Meeting Midnight 5

    This is all my fault. An innocent girl was experimented on and mutated into something that no one should ever experience. I thought I was doing something good for science. It's completely different now that I know she has a soul. She's a human being! She wasn't created, she was mutated.
    "Who are these people? Where am I?" I asked her. Midgnight-- not that it was her name-- furrowed her eyebrows.
    "The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. I'll be drafted into the military."