
Joan of Arc Timeline

  • Jan 6, 1412

    Joan of Arc's Birth

    Joan of Arc was born.
  • Period: Jan 6, 1412 to May 30, 1431

    Joan of Arc lifespan

  • May 14, 1428

    Joan goes to see Robert de Baudricourt

    Joan goes to see Robrt de Baurdricourt and to ask him about going to see the Duphin.
  • Feb 1, 1429

    Joan goes again

    Again Joan goes to see him. She told him about the voices and was exorcised to make her stop. She was syill talking about it so she was not evil and was telling the truth.
  • Mar 6, 1429

    Joan meets the dauphin

    Joan meets he dauphin. She goes to his castle and picks him out if the crowd.
  • Feb 21, 1430

    Joans first trial

    Joan had her first trial that day.
  • May 30, 1431

    Joan of Arc dies

    Joan was burned at the stake. her last words were, "Jeasus"