Jill Carlson & Trudi Francis

  • Research Apps

    We will conduct reserch on what apps for the ipad will be best suited for helping lower elementary students with fluency.
  • Discuss the difference between educational apps and fun apps

  • Download & Get familiarized with Apps

    We will download the apps we've reserch and start to get familar with these apps and how they can improve ours tudents fluency and accuracy scores for reading.
  • Brainstorm Uses & Write Plans

    Jill decided that she was going to incorporate the technology into her insect unit for science. She was going to use MyOn, Google Images, and an app called Explain Everything.
  • Set a Plan

    Jill will have a set plan as to what she is going to implement and when.
  • Teach MyOn

    Jill will teach students how to use MyOn.
  • Google Images

    Jill will teach students how to use Google Images and save images.
  • Evaluate

    1st Evaluation...Jill is doing a good job of teaching students how to navigate through their apps. Students have been wanting to read a lot more on MyOn as they are able to have a large selection of books to choose from.
  • Teach Explain Everything

    Students are going to learn how to use Explain Everything app to create their own non-fiction insect stories.
  • Create Stories

    Students are working with google images, MyOn, and Explain Everything to create a non-fiction story about an insect of their choice. Students will have these done by the end of the week to share with their classmates next week.
  • Share Stories

    Students will share their non-fiction stories with their peers and will be able to share them with parents via a hyperlink through email.
  • Confer with Students

    Confer with students about their thoughts/opions on using technology to improve reading skills.
  • Evaluation #2

    Evaluate & Reevaluate the instruction about how the fluency and accuracy has improved or not improved. Final Evaluation.