Janouk Giver Vocab

By lanaj
  • Recollection

    Definition: A memory, something to remember or recall
    Sentence: Her recollection of the unfortunate event kept of coming back and haunting her in her dreams
    Synonyms: Remember, recall
  • Profound

    Definition: intellectually deep; showing a lot of knowledge
    Sentence: The teacher was proud of her students while presenting because they were profound
    Synonyms: wise,intelligent
  • Prestige

    Definition: status or influence; importance based on reputation
    Sentence: The doctor is prestige to his patients
    Synonyms: Influence, Important
  • Sheepish

    Definition: shy; bashful
    Sentence: The sheepish girl ran out of the auditorium after stuttering on stage.
    Synonyms: shy, quiet
  • Serenely

    Definition: Peacefully and calmly
    Sentence: After finishing parcc, I had 30 minutes left of time to spare so I serenely sat in my seat.
    Synonyms: Relax, calm
  • Avert

    Definition: Turn away
    Sentence: When I am mad at my friends I avert my face towards the door instead of facing them.
    Synonyms: look away
  • Hasty

    Definition: Hurried and rush
    Sentence: after Jonas was skipped at the ceremony his heart began to beat hastingly.
    Synonyms: fast, hurry, rapid action
  • Indolence

    Definition: laziness
    Sentence: My indolence gets the best of me sometimes, I am considered a couch potato.

    Synonyms: lazy, inactive
  • unnerving

    Definition: Upsetting and unsettling
    Sentence: Jonas felt unnerving after he was not called up to get an assignment, he wanted to disappear.
    Synonyms: Upset, weird, disturbing.
  • Requisitioned

    Definition: To demand or take
    Sentence: The girl requisitioned her mom to buy her ice cream or else she would make a big seen in the store.
    Synonyms: Request
  • Conspicuous

    Definition: Easy to see, noticeable
    Sentence: The girl was hiding in a bush but she was very conspicuous, in the end she lost the game of hide and seek.
    Synonyms: See, clear, visible
  • Self-consciously

    Definition: Showing you're embarrassed, uncomfortably
    Sentence: When I couldn't get the ball in the net, my self-consciously kicked in and I started to blush
    Synonyms: embarrassed, awkward, anxious.
  • torrent

    Definition: swift-flowing stream of something
    Sentence: the torrent water stream had a few roses on it because melanie wanted to take a picture.
    Synonyms: flow, river,
  • Obsolete

    Definition: no longer useful
    Sentence: the presence of the Giver was obsolete after Jonas got all of the information he needed
    Synonyms: waste, trash
  • Wincing

    Definition: shrinking back involuntarily
    Sentence: the girls pupils winced back to normal after the eye drops effect faded away
    Synonyms: make a face, flinch
  • fretful

    Definition: Uneasy, distressed
    Sentence: the girl felt fretful are getting back her test grade
    Synonyms: upset, not right
  • Admonition

    Definition: warning
    Sentence: Animals acting crazy is an admonition for a natural disaster going soon
    Synonyms: signal
  • Relinquished

    Definition: give up or let go
    Sentence: Jonas relinquished that he was going to get called up at the ceremony,
    Synonyms: no hope, drop out