James Town

  • Kings James

    King James Sponsered a voyage to america because other countries have been gaining rich and raw minerals from the land.
  • The Fort

    On that day the fort was completed so the settlers could live in peace.
  • A Royal Town

    Once Jamestown was created King James made it a royal colony so he could have more control over it.
  • A New Leader

    Captin John Smith became the leader of Jamestown in 1608. He also made wise laws and rules for Jamestown which made everyone work and live well.
  • Drought

    The people of Jamestown become to demanding from the natives during a drought causing their friendship to lower.
  • Cash Crops

    Tobacco become a cash crop for Jamestown allowing them to more money.
  • New Government

    A new government was created by newly appointed governor Yeardley.