Jackson Timeline

  • Election of 1824

    Election of 1824
    This was an election between Andrew Jackson, John Quincy Adams, William H. Crawford, Henry Clay. While Andrew Jackson had the most popularity votes and electoral votes he did not have 270 electoral votes. Unfortuanlty Jackson lost the election becuase John Adams bribed a leader in the House of Representatives. This is impactful because it shows the weakness of the electoral college.
  • Election of 1828

    Election of 1828
    This election is a rematch between John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson, but unlike last time no other canidates were in the race. Andrew Jackson ended up taking the presidency. This is impactful because it shows how many more people wanted Andrew jackson to win.
  • Bank War

    Bank War
    Thia Issue hppened during Andrew Jackson Presidency. Andrew Jackson and the democrates opposed the bank becuase it made it hard for farmers to get loans .Andrew Jackson eventually Vetoed the Bank. This is impactul becuase It shows how the political parties are gradually seperating
  • Indian Ramoveal act

    Indian Ramoveal act
    This Act was an act that alloowed Andrew Jackson to move indinans to whst is know known as iklahoma. The trail that the indians took is known as the trail of tears. This act is impactful becuase it will create many conflictss between the indians and America.
  • Nullification Crisis

    Nullification Crisis
    It was a crisis during the presidency of Andrew Jackson and it was a connfrontation between south carolina and the federal government over protective tariffs. South carolina illegaly made this law illegal. They also threatened to seced from the union. A compromise was eventually made. This is impactful because it shows that The federal government might have to use force to keep certain situations under control.
  • Worcester v. Ga

    Worcester v. Ga
    This was a case between samuel morcester and Georgia. Georgia had passed a law that said you cant meet with indians unless You have state permission. Samuels morceseter kept meeting with the indians which got him into prison in georgia. There was a court case between the two subjects and Andew AJckson made an agreement with morcester. This is impaactful becuase it shows The state can't do everything.