
Inventors of the 1800s

  • James Watt improved the steam engine.

    James Watt improved the steam engine.
    Scotland's James Watt improves the first steam engine.
  • Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin.

    Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin.
    Eli Whitney, from the U.S, invents a good source of cotton, the cotton gin.
  • Alessandro Volta creats the battery.

    Alessandro Volta creats the battery.
    Italian Alessandro Volta creates batteries a great energy source.
  • Louis Dagurre invents the dagurreotype.

    Louis Dagurre invents the dagurreotype.
    google imagesThis is a type of photo that Louis Dagurre named after himself, after inventing it.
  • Samule Morse invented the recording telegraph.

    Samule Morse invented the recording telegraph.
    The U.S. produces recording telegraphs.
  • George Stephenson invents the best transportation of his time.

    George Stephenson invents the best transportation of his time.
    The steam locomotive is invented.
  • Henry Bessemer invents steel.

    Henry Bessemer invents steel.
    Britan starts to produce steel.
  • Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone.

    Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone.
    Alexander Graham Bell,from Scotland, invents the telephone
  • Thomas Edison invents the lightbulb

    Thomas Edison invents the lightbulb
    U.S. inventor, Thomas Edison, invents the lightbulb.
  • Gueglielmo Marconi invents the first radio.

    Gueglielmo Marconi invents the first radio.
    Italy produces the first radio.