
Inventions Through Time

  • Period: to

    17th century to now

  • First refracting telescope

    First refracting telescope
    Hans Lippershey invented the first refracting telescope. The original telescope had 3 times magnification. This invention was significant because today telescopes are used in deep space exploration.
  • Piano invented

    Piano invented
    The exact date of the creation of the piano is unknown. Some say 1698 was when it was created but it is more commonly accepted as being invented in 1700. Today it is one of the most popular instruments in the world. This changed society because many generes of modern music use the piano.
  • Stethoscope

    The stethoscope was crated by Rene Laennec in France. The stethoscope allows doctors to listen to patients heartbeat and breathing. This invention was significant because it allowed doctors to get a peek inside patients without surgery. It changed society by advancing medical technology.
  • Mircrowave

    Percy Spencer was the inventor of the microwave oven. The microwave serves as an easy way to prepare meals at home in a quick manner. This invention changed society because it opened up the market for a new generation of pre-packaged, frozen meals.
  • Youtube

    Youtube was invented by Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim. Youtube allows people to upload and share videos worldwide. This invention changed society because it allows people to share videos worldwide and helps spread cultural fads such as the Harlem Shake and Gangnam Style.