
  • Jan 1, 1514


    Leonardo da Vinci first thought of the parachute in 1514. The first man who actualy used a parachute was J.P. Blanchard. The first person who used the parachute daily was André Jacques Garnerin.
  • Thermometer

    The thermometer was made by Santorio, an italian physiologist. He made the first mouth thermometer. In 1665, Christiaan Huygens made the thermometer extend to freezing piont to boiling point. It was generally used when one doctor started using it at bedside.
  • Vaccinations

    Vaccines were invented by doctor Edward Jenner when he found that people working near cows were immune to the Smallpox virus. He figured out that they were getting less dangerous variations of the disease. After some expirements he injected a child with a small amount of Smallpox and thier body got rid of it. 3 years later Smallpox was removed
  • Seat Belts

    Seat Belts
    The first seat belts were made by George Cayley. They were first used for airplanes in the 1930s. William Myron Noe intoduced the automatic seat belt to America. The first seat belt as a standard was on a 1959 Volvo. The seat belts we know today, the three point harnesses, were massproduced in vehicles made by Volvo. The person who invented the three point harnesses was sweedish engineer Nils Bohlin.
  • Fire Extinguisher

    Fire Extinguisher
    The first portable fire extinguisher was made by George Manby. The first chemical fire extinguisher was made in 1866 by Francois Carlier. The first one in the USA was made in 1881 by Almon M Granger. However the foam one we know today was made by Alexander Laurant in 1905.
  • Soap

    2800 B.C-The first people to invent the soap were the ancient Babylons. They used fats, ash and water. They first used it for wool and cotton. The Egyptians, however, used it to treat sores skin, diseases and to be clean. They used animal and vegetable oils and alkaline salts.
  • Toothpaste

    500 B.C-The first toothpaste was amde by Egyptians and Indians. The first modern tooth paste was made in the 1800s. In 1824 dentist named Peobody first added soap to toothpaste. In the 1850s chalk was added.
  • Treadmill

    Oringally it was used to do chores like churn butter. In 1995 Dr. Robert Bruce made a treadmill to know if cardiopulmonary disease was on someone. In the 60s it was used for fitness. Then in the 70s NASA used it for training.
  • Latex Gloves

    Latex Gloves
    The first latex glove was first invented by William Stewart Halsted. He needed a glove to a nurse's hand. So he contacted Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company to make a glove that can withstand carbolic acid. After a while the other nurses began using latex gloves.
  • Contact Lenses

    Contact Lenses
    Contact lenses were first thought of in 1508 by Leonardo da Vinci. It was also thaught of in 1636 by René Descartes . They are lenses that can be put on and off the eye so the wearer can see. They were first mad for animals by the physiologist Adolf Eugen Fick.
  • Fire Alarm

    Fire Alarm
    The first fire alarm was made by Francis Robbins Upton. However it was first sold in 1969. Today over 90% of American households have fire alarms.
  • Aspirin

    German Chemist Felix Hoffman produced the first stable form of Aspirin. He accidently found it when looking to heal his father's arthritis. In 400 B.C Hippocrates prescribes the leaves and bark of willow trees so pain and fever goes away.
  • Hard Hat

    Hard Hat
    Oringally the hard hat was used for miners. In 1915 Bullard, the inventor of the hard hat, began producing hard hats for builders and mines. He based it on a doughboy he wore in WW1. in 1938 he created the first aluminum hard hat.
  • Band aid

    Band aid
    The band aid was made by Earl Dickson, a Johnson & Johnson worker, He made when his wife kept on accidentaly cutting herself. He first used tape and gause. The four years later Johnson & Johnson made it on mass production.
  • Airbag

    The first crash sensing technology was first made by Allen Breed. During 1971 the Ford company introduced the first expiermental airbag fleet. The airbag was oringally made for only the goverment. Altough in 1973 it was available for the public.