Inventiona of the Industrial Revolution

  • Steam Engine

    Created by Thomas Savery,the steam engine substituted man power for steam power. Pretty much every industry was changed once the steam engine was created. No longer where men and animals put at a high risk. Though they could still be injured by to e steam engine, there was a must smaller chance that would happen.
  • Flying Shuttle

    John Kay, who was an English inventor, was the creator of the flying shuttle. The flying shuttle helped to speed up the weaving operation.
  • Cotton Gin

    In 1793, an inventor named Eli Whitney created an invention called the Cotton Gin that made it much easier to harvest cotton at a much quicker pace. The amount of slaves needed went down because this machine did not require that many people to operate it. The only downside found in creating this machine was that slavery was extended because this machine was so widely used throughout the United States.