Industries of Colorado

By egirard
  • Beaver trapping

    Beaver trapping
    Impact: the trappers made the beavers go scarce. The trappers became a lot richer. Reason for coming to Colorado: Colorado has a big population of beavers. Good services: beaver pelts for the beaver trappers giving them more money. Resources needed: traps and skill
  • irragotion

    Goods: water for plants and crops impact: more crops for people. reason for commig colorado: colorado did not have a lot of water resources needed: plants and crops
  • Mining

    Goods and services: gold, silver, copper, mining towns Impact: people became richer and gold became scarce Reasoning for coming to Colorado: to find gold and silver Resources needed: gold pans, stamp mill, ball mill, flume, cradle rocker
  • CSU

    Good services: Ejection more people with jobs. Impact: more schools and more job slots. Reason for coming to Colorado: their was no colleges in Fort Collins Co. Resources needed: school equipment , teacher , principle , and students
  • broncos

    goods: entertanment. impact: more football games. why come to colorado: to make more football games. resources: footballs , gaer.