Industrial,Economic, & Scientific Rrvolution

  • Jan 1, 1507


    Copernicus Claims the universe is Heliocentric (SUN CENTERED)
  • Spinning Jenny

    Spinning Jenny
    James Hargreaves invents the spinning jenny
  • Steam Engine

    Steam Engine
    james watts perfects the steam engine
  • Wealth Of Nations

    adam smith publishes the wealth of nations
  • cotton gin

    cotton gin
    eli whitney invents the cooton gin
  • steam boat

    steam boat
    Robert Fulton Invents the first steam boat
  • work hours

    Factorty Act Of 1833 Limits Works For Women And Children
  • Suez Canal

    Suez Canal
    the opening of the Suez Canal
  • Communist Manifesto

    Communist Manifesto
    Karl Marx wites the Communist Manifesto
  • Marie Curie

    Marie Curie
    receives a nobel prize for her work to to cure some diseases with radioactivty
  • Theory Of Relativity

    Theory Of Relativity
    Albert Einstien Publishes Theory Of Relativity Article