Industrial revolutions

  • Anaesthetic

    The invertor was William Morton
    The anaesthetic was a quimical substance use to produce a loss sensibility of the pain.
    They use a dull sponge with opium, mandrake and henbane
    They use these sponge to sleep the people thas they need a surgery
    Thanks of the anaesthetic they can have more time of life because when they need to do a surgery and they doesn't have anaesthetic, much of people die .
  • Elevator

    The inventor was Elisha Otis
    Elevator design began to transition to carrying people instead of just goods. Many of these elevators were based off the hydraulic system, in which a cylinder used pressure from water or oil to raise or lower the elevator car.
    They were used for conveying materials in factories, warehouses and mines. . The elevators enabled the urban environment and helped build cities, transformed how people live and work, and revolutionised architecture itself
  • Telephone

    The inventor was Antonio Meucci
    The phone was a think that is use to comunicate with everyone
    It works using a single wire for the subscriber's line, with ground return used to complete the circuit
    try to improve the capabilities of the telegraph.
    The invention of the telephone provided an important device for facilitating human communication.
  • Submarine

    The inventor was Narciso monturiol
    Is a watercraft capable of independent operation underwater.
    The first two submarine were equipped with an efficient pump that pumped air into the hull to raise the inner pressure.
    submarines are capable of and conduct a vast array of missions.
    Submarines changed the war because it was easier to attack enemies from under the water.
  • Thermometer

    The inventor was Thomas Clifford
    It was a vertical tube, closed by a bulb of air at the top, with the lower end opening into a vessel of water.
    This was the first thermometer to depend on the expansion and contraction of a liquid, which was independent of barometric pressure.
    Thermometers measure body temperature which is important in medicine. Many diseases and conditions, from the common cold to cancer or COVID-19
  • Typewriter

    The inventor was Christopher Sholes
    The typewriter quickly became an indispensable tool for practically all writing other than personal handwritten correspondence.
    The first typewriter had no shift-key mechanism, it wrote capital letters only.
    Many working-class women saw office jobs as an escape from the drudgery of factory jobs
  • Car

    The inventor was Karl benz
    The car was a way of transport
    Was an entirely new vehicle around an internal combustion engine and used bicycle parts to do it.
    The cart, designed to move artillery pieces, moved at a walking pace and had to stop every 20 minutes to build a new head of steam.
    Became one the first industries to use the assembly line. The automobile gave people more personal freedom and access to jobs and services. It led to development of better roads and transportation
  • Coca-Cola

    The inventor was John penberton
    drink as a tonic for most common ailments, basing it on cocaine from the coca leaf and caffeine-rich extracts of the kola nut; the cocaine was removed from Coca-Cola's formula in about 1903.
    18.5 million people's lives improved through access to safe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene since 2010. Programs focus on improving community access to water and sanitation, while promoting improved hygiene behaviors to make positive impacts on health and development.
  • Plane

    The inventor was Clément Ader
    The propellers worked as rotating wings; their spinning motion produced a horizontal lift, or "thrust," that pushed the plane through the air.
    Airplanes were first used for military purposes during World War I, but only in very limited ways. World War I pilots usually were involved in reconnaissance. The advent of human flight not only boosted our power of movement, but also enhanced our vision
  • Aspirin

    The inventor was Félix hoffman
    Originally used as an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drug, aspirin then became, for its antiplatelet properties, a milestone in preventing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.
    Stroke caused by a burst blood vessel. While daily aspirin can help prevent a clot-related stroke, it may increase the risk of a bleeding stroke