
Industrial Revolution Timeline 1859-1914

  • Henry Bessemer; Bessemer Process

    Henry Bessemer; Bessemer Process
    The Bessemer Process was invented by Henry Bessemer in 1855. It was an industrial process which to produced steel from iron. It costed less than previous methods, which is why it was so beneficial. Picture
  • Edwin Drake; Struck Oil in U.S

    Edwin Drake; Struck Oil in U.S
    Edwin Drake was involved in the oil industry. He was the first person in the U.S to strike oil. He struck it in Titusville, PA. Picture & Text Citation 2nd Text Citation
  • John D. Rockefeller

    John D. Rockefeller
    ImageInfo During the Industrial Revolution he took control of the oil companies. By driving out competition through secret deals with railroad companies he created a monopoly even though monopolies were not allowed. He was then able to price the oil however high he wanted, which impacted the middle class and poor citizens badly.
  • Credit Mobilier Scandal

    Credit Mobilier Scandal
    ImageCredit Mobilier was a company founded in 1864. It ran construction of transportation (railroad) routes. The company inflated costs and then kept the extra money.
  • The Pullman Strike

    The Pullman Strike
    Image The Pullman Strike was a sudden strike made by the workers of the Pullman Palace Car Company. They were fighting for better labor conditions. Bad labor conditions was one of the problems during the Industrial Revolution.
  • Christopher Sholes; Typewriter

    Christopher Sholes; Typewriter
    Info Christopher Sholes invented the typewriter in 1867, getting the patent for it on June 23, 1868. He also developed the QWERTY keyboard(1870's) and shift button (1878), which are still used to this day. Image
  • Transcontinental Railroad Completed

    Transcontinental Railroad Completed
    The completion of the Transcontinental Railroad is important to the Industrial Revolution because it provided an easier method of transportation for goods needing to travel across the US. Info
  • Alexander Graham Bell; Telephone

    Alexander Graham Bell; Telephone
    Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876, making it easier for people to communicate. Image
  • Munn V Illinois

    Munn V Illinois
    ImageInfo This court case allowed states to regulate the rates of certain businesses (within that state) for example: railroads. This is significant because it prevented company owners, for example Munn, from just charging the maximum price. ~1876-1877.
  • Thomas Edison; Light

    Thomas Edison; Light
    Infoimage Thomas Edison was an inventor from the Industrial Revolution. He invented the light bulb (1878) as well as many other inventions. He is one of the inventors who made a difference and helped define the Industrial Revolution.
  • Haymarket Riot

    Haymarket Riot
    The Haymarket Riot is significant in relation to the Industrial Revolution because it concerns labor hours. Workers were leading a strike for 8 hour work days, but then due to police brutality, the peaceful strike then turned into violent riots. Info
  • Interstate Commerce Act

    Interstate Commerce Act
    ImageThis act let the government watch over railways. The act created certain rates for railroads. This made sure that prices were similar across the U.S. Info
  • The Sherman Antitrust Act

    The Sherman Antitrust Act
    An act that prevents businesses from monopolizing the economy. This is important to the Industrial Revolution because if a company monopolizes trade it is able to set the price to whatever they want, which can then cause problems within the economy/society.
  • Homestead Strike

    Homestead Strike
    ImageInfo The Homestead Strike was a strike between workers and their employers, about forced labor. It's significant to the Industrial Revolution because it helps express just how bad the struggle was for workers to recieve better labor agreements. June-Nov. 1982.
  • Eugene Debs

    Eugene Debs
    ImageInfo He Lead Pullman strike & he was a socialist. He formed the American Railway Union, a national industrial union to fight for worker's rights. This helped workers during the Industrial Revolution.
  • Pullman Strike

    Pullman Strike
    The Pullman Strike is a strike that occurred in the year of 1894. The Pullman Workers rebelled because they were being treated unfairly (pay cut, fired workers). The workers joined the American Railway Union. The issue caused people to become aware that there was a labor problem. Image: George Pullman (Owner of the Pullman Company)
  • J.P. Morgan

    J.P. Morgan
    imageInfo J.P. Morgan helped the U.S Government recover some of the value to the U.S dollar knowing what would happen if the US Gold Reserves disappeared. If they disappeared the U.S economy would have been in ruin and the Industrial Revolution would not have continued.
  • Wright Brothers

    Wright Brothers
    ImageInfo The Wright Brothers were inventors. They invented bicycles (1898), kites(1899), gliders(1900), and the Wright flyer(1903). Their inventions are why they are so important to the industrial revolution.
  • Lochner v. NY Decision

    Lochner v. NY Decision
    info and imageinfoinfoThis event is significant to the industrial revolution because it is a court case regarding labor. The Lochner v. NY Decision was so important because it addressed the amount of hours workers should work in relation to their job, rather than everyone only being able to work one max. number of hours not considering their job.
  • Henry Ford; Ford Vehicle

    Henry Ford; Ford Vehicle
    Image In the year 1908, Henry Ford designed cheaper, more affordable cars. This was beneficial for workers during the industrial revolution. Info
  • Mother Jones

    Mother Jones
    Image Info A union organizer. She organized and participated in strikes. She was arrested in the Homestead Strike (1919). An influential figure working for labor rights during the Industrial Revolution.