Industrial Revolution

  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • Spinning Jenny

    James Hargreave invents the Spinning Jenny. This is a machine that used a wheel so you could weave fabric faster. This was a great improvement over weaving it by hand. Hargreaves was eventually run out of town when the price of yarn fell and townspeople smashed all of his machines.
  • Watt Steam Engine

    Watt Steam Engine
    James Watt invents a new steam engine. The one he designs uses steam just above atmospheric pressure to drive a piston helped by a partial vacuum. This engine greatly increased fuel efficiency.
    Picture From: Wikimedia
  • Spinning mule

    Spinning mule
    Samual Crompton invented the spinning mule in 1779. This was a machine that used carraiges to spin wool. This was a great improvement over the previous methods. This helped the textile industry.
  • S.S Savannah

    Th S.S Savannah was the first steamboat to cross the atlantic.It was an American steamboat. It crossed the Atlantic on June 18th, 1819. The ship cost $50,000.
  • Telgraph

    Samual F. B. Morse invents the telegraph. It is a machine that can communicate iver long distances. It uses a code of dits and dashes to communicate. This machine is still used today
    Image from:Wikimedia Commons.
  • The Phonautograph

    Edouard-Leon Scott de Martinville invented the phonautograph in 1857. This was another machine to record sound though. The first recording to be played back was not played back until 1887. It was originally only used to study acoustics.
  • Telephone

    Alexander Graham Bell invents the telphone. He made the first call on August 3rd, 1876. At first, the company Western Union did not want to buy the patent. Not two years later and it was worth over $25,000,000.
    Picture From:Wikimedia
  • incandescent lightbulb

    Thomas Edison invents the incandescent lightbulb. It has a thin metal wire called a filament which is heated by electric current until it glows. These are still in use today. These lightbulbs also put off a lot of heat.This is a very important invention.
  • The Phonograph

    The Phonograph
    Thomas Edison invents the phonograph. This is a machine that can record and play back sound. Instead of using a disk like a record it used a cylinder covered in tin foil. The first recording on it was Mary had a Little lamb.
  • Diesel Engine

    Diesel Engine
    Rudolf Diesel invents the diesel engine. A diesel engine is a compression ignition engine. It uses the heat of compression to burn the fuel as opposed to a spark ignition.
    Picture From: Wikimedia