
  • Jethro Tull invents the speed drill

    Jethro Tull invents the speed drill
    After noticing that the usual way of sowing seed by scattering it across the ground was wasteful because many of the seeds failed to take root, he decided to solve the problem. He did that by creating the seed drill, which allowedd farmers to sow sees in well spaced rows at a specfic deepness, which led to many more of the seeds taking root, which led to more crops.
  • John Kay invents the Flying Shuttle

    John Kay invents the Flying Shuttle
    The flying shuttle was a new technology for textiles. It was a boat shaped piece of wood that yarn was attached to that sped back and forth on a set of wheels. It doubled the amount of work a weaver could do in a day.
  • James Watt builds the first steam engine

    James Watt builds the first steam engine
    The first steam engine was used in steam-powered pumps in mines to remove water from deep mine shafts. The problem with it was that it was a fuel guzzler and quite expensive. james Watt worked on this and figured out a way to make the steam engine more efficient and faster. He partnered with Matthew Boulton, who organized and managed the business, trying to sell the engine. Boulton payed Watt and told him to try to make better engines.
  • Marx and Engels publish the "Communist Manifesto"

    Marx and Engels publish the "Communist Manifesto"
    It was a 23 page pamphlet that outlined the beliefs of Marx and Engels/Marxism. It talked about things such as the haves (Burguoise/employers) and the have-nots (Proletariats/Workers) , how the Revolution had enriched the rich and impoverished the poor, how the wealthy controlled production while the poor labored under terrible conditions, and how the capitalist system would eventually destroy itself, leading to a classless society, which they called Pure Communism
  • The US Civil War ends and the US experiences a technological boom

    The US Civil War ends and the US experiences a technological boom
    Quite a few causes contributed to this, including many natural resources (oil, coal, iron), new inventions (lightbulb and telephine), and a drastically increasing urban population that consumed the new manufactured goods, railroads for moving things/communication, corporations, and more. This was when the revolution really started spreading to the US
  • Germany becomes dominant industrial power in Europe

    Germany becomes dominant industrial power in Europe
    Germany started out by indutstrializing in little areas around 1835, since it was politically divided, though it eventually grew into a huge power. Germany imported British equipment and engineers, and sent their children to school in England for industrial management. The main thing that helped in making Germany dominant were the railroads, which linked all the growing manufacturing citties (ex Frankfurt) with Ruhr Valley's coal and iron ore. Also,Its strong economy made Germany a powerhouse.
  • British unions win right to strike

    British unions win right to strike
    Unions were being formed to protest the treatment at factories and strikes occured because of this. Parliament saw these as a threat to stability and social order in Britain, so banned them in the Combination Acts of 1799 and 1800. Unions still continued to form though, even with the risk of jail time, so Parliament eventually revoked that in 1824, allowing unions, hough not happily.