Inappropriate Behavior

  • Determination of Error/Chosen Reaction

    Acquisition error - reteach appropriate behavior, reinforce with guided questioning
    Fluency error - practice appropriate behavior, check for understanding if needed, reinforce when behavior is displayed
    Maintenance error - give positive reminder, reinforce appropriate behavior of other students out loud.
    Generalization error - provide practice, reinforce when behavior is displayed properly
    Setting events - alter reinforcement, remove antecedents, remind student of appropriate behavior if needed
  • After Second Offense

    If behavior is for attention, ignore. Call attention to other students behaving appropriately, opposite of offending student. Give verbal warning to fluency/maintenance/generalization error. Withhold reinforcement if during a specific activity, especially if safety issue is probable (i.e. game, playing instrument). This would include time-out or response cost. This could also include overcorrection if it involves multiple students.
  • Engagement in Inappropriate Behavior

    The student engages in behavior that does not meet classroom expectations. A determination of whether the violation is major or minor must come first.
  • First Offense

    A specific response must be chosen based on the offense.
  • Second Offense

    Positive oriented guided questioning, reteach, practice if necessary. Could include overcorrection if more than one student is in violation of the rules. Also, response cost or time-out might be included depending on the activity involved.
  • Consistent Occurrence

    Contact guardians, intervention with principal/counselor and probable behavior contract between student, teacher, and guardians.