Important Technological Advances

By josephm
  • Leo Baekeland develops Bakelite, the first popular synthetic plastic.

    Leo Baekeland develops Bakelite, the first popular synthetic plastic.
  • American industrialist and engineer Henry Ford launches the Ford Model T, the world's first truly affordable car.

    American industrialist and engineer Henry Ford launches the Ford Model T, the world's first truly affordable car.
  • Laszlo and Georg Biro pioneer the modern ballpoint pen.

    Laszlo and Georg Biro pioneer the modern ballpoint pen.
  • Soviet Union (Russia and her allies) launch the Sputnik space satellite.

    Soviet Union (Russia and her allies) launch the Sputnik space satellite.
  • Douglas Engelbart develops the computer mouse.

    Douglas Engelbart develops the computer mouse.
  • Stephanie Kwolek patents a super-strong plastic called Kevlar.

    Stephanie Kwolek patents a super-strong plastic called Kevlar.
  • Astronauts walk on the Moon.

    Astronauts walk on the Moon.
  • Martin Cooper develops the first handheld cellphone (mobile phone).

    Martin Cooper develops the first handheld cellphone (mobile phone).
  • First grocery-store purchase of an item coded with a barcode.

    First grocery-store purchase of an item coded with a barcode.
  • Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs launch the Apple I: one of the world's first personal home computers

    Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs launch the Apple I: one of the world's first personal home computers