Charles i king of england 1600 1649 on his way to execution from the a04mkj

Important events of 1600-1700

  • English Settlers settle in Jamestown

    English Settlers settle in Jamestown
    The first successful and permanent settlement, Jamestown, is placed in Virginia by the London Company.
  • First Meeting of House of Burgesses

    First Meeting of House of Burgesses
    The house of Burgesses, which was a meeting between elected officials in Virginia, first met.
  • The Plymouth Colony is established

    The Plymouth Colony is established
    The Plymouth Colony in Massachusetts is established by Pilgrims from England. They arrived on the Mayflower, and a document called the Mayflower Compact was formed.
  • The Indian Massacre of 1622

    The Indian Massacre of 1622
    The Indian Massacre of 1622 occurs when Chief Opchanacanough and the Powhatan Confederacy tried to get rid of settlers
  • Settlement of Boston begins

    Settlement of Boston begins
    Settlement of Boston begins when John Winthrop and one hundred and seventy-five of his colonists of the Massachusetts Bay Colony choose the Trimountain to harbor area to establish a town.
  • The Massachusetts Bay Colony establishes its first set of laws

    The Massachusetts Bay Colony establishes its first set of laws in the Body of Liberties. This was the first law established by European colonists in New England and was intended for use as guidance for the General Court of the time.
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Bacon's Rebellion causes the burning of Jamestown. Nathanial Bacon leads the rebellion of planters against Governor Berkeley. Bacon would perish and twenty-three others were executed.
  • Second Indian War

    King William's War, also known as the Second Indian War, begins, the first in a series of colonial wars between New France and the British colonies. It would last for nine years.