Imperialism in Rwanda

  • Before 1884: Two groups control Rwanda

    Before imperialism, there were two groups, the Hutu and the Tutsi, which were practically the same except for job differences.
  • Imperialism Begins

    In 1884, Rwanda was assigned to Germany and Belgium during the berlin conference.
  • Rwanda assigned to Belgium

    The Treaty of Versailles made it so that Rwanda was made a protectorate of the League of Nations, and was to be controlled by Belgium.
  • Identity cards in Rwanda

    The Belgians make a new system in Rwanda using ethnic identity cards which separate the Hutus and the Tutsis.
  • Hutus rebel

    Hutus revolt against the Belgians and the Tutsi elite. This causes 150,000 Tutsis to flee.
  • 1961-1973: Massacres of Tutsis

    There is a series of Tutsi massacres all across Rwanda that cause a large amount of Tutsis to flee
  • The MRND is formed

    The National Revolutionary Movement for Development party is created. This causes a pattern of exclusion of the Tutsis that continues for over a decade.
  • The economy collapses

    The price of coffee beans drop drastically and it results in the economy of Rwanda completely collapsing.
  • Habyarimana and the RPF agree

    They agree that refugees are allowed to return to Rwanda and for the RPF to form a Hutu-RPF coalition government. The UN sends troops to oversee this.
  • Rwandan president and Burundi president are killed

    Habyarimana, the president of Rwanda, and Cyprien Ntaryamira are killed when their plane is shot down. The suspected murderers are extremists that thought the president was about to sign the Arusha Peace Accords.
  • The Killing starts

    The Rwandan Armed forces set up roadblocks and start kill all Tutsis people and Hutu politicians.
  • The UN retreats

    10 Belgian soldiers and the prime minister are brutally murdered which caused the UN to recall its troops.
  • French forces in Rwanda

    The UN Security Council allows the deployment of French forces in south-west Rwanda. A “safe area” is created in the territory controlled by the government.
  • 1995-1999: Several Rwandans are arrested.

    Several Rwandans are brought before courts and charged with genocide and crimes against humanity.
  • Mukankusi dead

    Virginia Mukankusi, a major contributor to the mass killings of people, is sentenced to death because of her participation in the genocide.
  • Georges Rutaganda is charged with genocide

    Georges Rutaganda, a leader of the group that helped lead the genocide, is found guilty of many terrible crimes including crimes against humanity, and is sentenced to a lifetime in prison.