immigration to canada between 1492 and 1914

By djita
  • Jan 1, 1492

    vikings arrive in north america

    vikings arrive in north america
    , Vikings were Europeans from Greenland who came to America before 1492, to explore, if Vikings didnt arrive and find the land, the immigrants wouldnt know that this land exists.
  • Jan 24, 1497

    john cabot

    john cabot
    john cabot landed in newfoundland in 1497, john cabot was a navigator from europe. he sails to America to find new land for the English. He found the Newfoundland. One of the first Europeans since the Vikings, after he brought more europeans to canada
  • champlain

    july 1608, Champlain found quebec city even if he was not the first one to go there he was the first person to make a permanent settlement in the area..
  • henry hudson

    henry hudson
    in 1611, henry was looking for the north-west passage to Asia, arrives at Hudson's Bay. and that helped the formation of the Hudson's Bay company later.
  • Period: to

    fur trade

    During this time period, there was little immigration in the form of colonies, besides New France the majority of people that came were male fur traders hoping to make money. Families were very rare during this time period.
  • Period: to

    the loyalist

    during this time period, those who were loyal to Great Britan, or who were simply neutral on the topic of revolution, were either exiled to Canada. Some 100,000 peoples settled in Canada because of that.
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    the underground railroad

    The underground railroad was a series of paths and safehouses that lead north to Canada, where at the time if a slave could cross the border into Canada, they would be considered free peoples under an act
  • Period: to

    the great migration

    During this time period, as many as 800,000 Immigrants, with 60% of those coming over being British.
  • famine

    the Potato Famine was when the potato, the number one source of food in Ireland at the time, was affected by a disease that killed many people . As a result there was mass famine on the isles and a mass migration took place to new lands in search of better opprotunities.
  • Period: to

    the chinese immigrants

    In 1859, there was a great rush of Chinese gold prospectors who arrived to Canada to work in what they called 'the gold mountain'. This massive immigration period ended with the enactment of the Chinese Immigration Act
  • canada becomes a country

    canada becomes a country
    canada officially becomes a country all of its own, forming its own provinces and working on uniting the rest of the country in total unification. The act of Canada becoming its own country with the power to make its own laws enticed more people to come to Canada, especially many British subjects who were seeking new lifestyles on this new land.
  • manitoba

    Manitoba is Founded and recognized by the Canadian government, this provides a place for Metis people to call their own and properly settle into.
  • Period: to

    land act

    During the time period, the Canadian government offered land to people in the North-West territories of Canada to prevent the land from being claimed from the Americans and to encourage farming in the area.
  • head tax

    The Canadian government feels that there is too many people coming to Canada from Asia, the Chinese as a large number of them had come from the gold rush era as well as to work on the Trans-Canada Railway. This new act charged Chinese immagrants based on the number of people they were bringing with them over to Canada
  • Period: to

    jewish immigration

    thousands Jews immigrated to Canada due to racism that they faced in eastern Europe and Russia, fearing for their livelihoods and searching for better safer prospects in Canada.
  • woman rights

    woman rights
    women gained a limited right to vote.