Immigration Through Canada's History

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    The Chinese Head Tax

    During this time Chinese Immigrants had to pay a fixed fee in order to get into Canada, unlike other immigrants from other places. The Canadian Government did this to try to limit the amount of Chinese immigrants coming to Canada.
  • The Komagata Maru Incident

    The Komagata Maru Incident
    At the time, immigrants from India were only allowed to come to Canada if they take a direct boat, which wasn't possible. In 1914, a boat arrived from India called the Komagata Maru carrying Indian immigrants. But, after 2 months of protest, the boat was forced to return back to India.
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    Interment of the Ukrainian Canadians

    At the start of WW1, around 8000 Ukrainian people were sent to work camps where they were forced to do labour such as building roads, without pay. Regardless that the war was over, and the War Measures Act was no longer enforced, the government still forced some to stay.
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    Internment of the Italian Canadians

    Around 700 people were arrested under the War Measures Act and taken to work camps when Italy declared war on Canada. The act mainly affected men, but some women and children had to go too.
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    Internment of the Japanese Canadians

    After the attack on Pearl Harbour, Canada decided to relocate over 20 000 Japanese Canadians to camps, where they were not allowed to leave without RCMP permission. In 1943 the Canadian Government went back on a promise, and sold all of their possessions, homes and businesses.
  • Immigration Act

    Immigration Act
    The Immigration Act was Canada's original immigration policy which set requirements that had to be reached in order to come into Canada. It also created the point system, which is a survey that requires you to get at least 67 points to pass, so you can possibly immigrate to Canada.
  • Refugees are Added as an Immigration Category

    Refugees are Added as an Immigration Category
    By adding the category it meant that Canada accepted refugees
    steadily, opposed to crisis by crisis.
  • Internment of the Japanese Canadians Formal Apology

    Internment of the Japanese Canadians Formal Apology
    Canada’s government formally apologized to Japanese Canadians.
  • Internment of Italian Canadians Formal Apology

    Internment of Italian Canadians Formal Apology
    Prime Minister Brian Mulroney apologized to
    Canada’s Italian community for the internment.
  • Creation of Immigration Categories

    Creation of Immigration Categories
    Immigration categories were created under The Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. They are used to establish categories about who can come to Canada and live here. The categories include Family Class, Economic, Refugee, and Other.
  • Immigration and Refugee Protection Act

    Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
    The act creates categories about who can come to Canada and live here, and also creates objectives for those categories.The act aims to help pursue social, cultural and economic benefits for all Canadians and promote the successful integration of immigrants into Canadian society.
  • Ukrainian Origin Recognition Act

    Ukrainian Origin Recognition Act
    The act acknowledges the event in Canadian History, and calls for “a better public understanding of... the important role of
    the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms in the
    respect and promotion of the values it reflects and the
    rights and freedoms it guarantees.”
  • Chinese Head Tax Formal Apology

    Chinese Head Tax Formal Apology
    The Canadian Government formally apologized about the Chinese Head Tax.