Lightbulbs bulb graphic desktop 1600x1200 hd wallpaper 178490

if Thomas Edison hadn´t invented the light bulb, what would have happened?

  • The not invention of the lightbulb

    The not invention of the lightbulb
    This time line is based on the idea that light bulb improvement was not done by TE or anybody else at that time.
  • Kerosene lamps

    Kerosene lamps
    If we had not invented the light bulb we would have used kerosene lamps for another 20 years
  • Fluorescent light

    If ligthbulb had not been invented by TE, some scientist would have developed fluorescent light instead
  • The invention of lightbulb

    If ligthbulb had not been invented by TE, some scientist would have invented eventualy
  • LED faster invention

    LED faster invention
    LED technology would have been developed 30 years faster if incandescent light would not had been invented by TE
  • Fastest Global warming

    Fastest Global warming
    If kerosene lamps had been used 20 more years, global warming effects would have happened 40 years earlier.
  • Many inventionas and discoveries delay

    if light bulb had been invented 25 years later, many discoveries had been delayed
  • A diferent iluminated world

    We would be living in a diferent iluminated world, if all this things had happened