If i stay

If I Stay------ Gayle Forman

  • The Accident

    The Accident
    Mia, the main character, and her family decide to go on a trip on a snow day. A horrible wreck happened and Mia wakes up to seeing her mother and father dead and her little brother barely alive, but also finds herslef. She is stuck between life and death.
  • The Surgery

    The Surgery
    Mia doesn't know if she is alive or dead. She knows she can't be dead and still be seeing herself, but doesn't know if she is alive. She goes into surgery where it is a life or death situation. She is now in a coma and has a decision to make.
  • Her Condition

    Her Condition
    A social workers tells the family that she is in a coma. She does not have a very good chance of survival. If she wakes up, she will be an orphan with no siblings. She has the choice whether to stay and wake up or leave and join her parents and brother.
  • Her Bestfriend and Her Boyfriend

    Her Bestfriend and Her Boyfriend
    Mia watches as two of the most important people in her life walk into the hospital. Kim, her best friend since elemenatry school, and Adam, her boyfriend of almost two years. They try and see Mia but because of her critical condition, they are not allowed.
  • Second Surgery

    Second Surgery
    Mia goes into the waiting room where all of her family is. They can not physically see her, but Mia can see them. She hears of all that has happened of the past few days and decides she does not want to stay. She returns to her body to say a last "goodbye" but finds that she is going in for a second surgery.
  • Adam Finally Sees Mia

    Adam Finally Sees Mia
    Adam is finally allowed to see Mia after her surgery. He talks to her almost lifeless body and isn't to dead-set on dying. He helped her realize that she has plenty of reasons to stay, mostly him.
  • Mia Decides

    Mia Decides
    After Adam has left, Kim came in to talk. Mia is very tired at this point and she doen't know if it is because she is dying or not. After Kim left, Adam came back and sang the song that he had wrote for her. Mia feels a pain, and her life flashes. She is not in her daze anymore. All she hears and sees is Adam. Mia chose to stay.