Ideals and Values of the 13 Colonies

  • England's monarchy is restored

    England's monarchy is restored
    England's monarchy is restored with Charles II and people were not happy. Trouble was uprising between them. England still has a King and a Queen.
  • First College

    First College
    Harvard is the first college. Harvard is still there today. But unlike that time, there are many more colleges now.
  • Education laws

    Education laws
    Massechusetts Puritans passed public education laws. Many people started going to schools and colleges to learn to read and write. An education is still valued and usually required today to get a job.
  • Parliment took action

    Parliment took action
    The paliment started to be bulit. It was the government buliding in England. It still stands and is a government building. Most places have a government including the Untied Startes.
  • Bill of Rights

    Bill of Rights
    William and Mary sign the English Bill of Rights. The bill stated that all citizens were guaranteed certain basic rights. The Bill of Rights still applies today.
  • Education spreads

    Education spreads
    Educated colonists are sent away to tell about what they have learned. Most people could read and write by this time so they tought that throughout their travels. To this day we value the ability to read and write.
  • Freedom of Press

    Freedom of Press
    In 1735 Peter Zenger faced charges of libelfor printing a report about the royal governer. A few other men stood up for him and they argued for the right to print. With rights in mind they were able to fight it and earn the "Freedom of Press".
  • The Great Awakening

    The Great Awakening
    Christian ministers such as George Whitefield and Jonathan Edwards preached throughout colonies. It is said the it opened people's eyes giving them stronger faith and new self-confidence. This time is know of as "The Great Awakening".
  • High literacy rate

    High literacy rate
    New England had a very high literacy rate. 80% of the men could read and and 50% of the womem. Many had gone to The New England Primer where they learned to read and write. We still value the ability to read and write today.
  • Royal Colonies

    Royal Colonies
    Out of the 13 colonies, 8 of them are became royal colonies. They are Virginia, Georgia, Massechusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina and South Carolina. All of these are states owned by the US.