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Ian Hacking

By Clatham
  • Ian Hacking Early Life

    Born February 18, 1936, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada—died May 10, 2023, Toronto, Ontario. Author and Professor Ian Hacking was a Canadian Philosopher whose work in mathematics, natural and social science proposed great philosophical discourse.
  • Logic Of Statistical Inference

    In his first book, Logic of Statistical Inference, This book is a philosophical study of the basic principles of statistical reasoning. Professor Hacking has sought to discover the simple principles that underlie modern work in mathematical statistics and to test them, both at a philosophical level and in terms of their practical consequences for statisticians.
  • The Emergence of Probability

    In this latest book, Ian Hacking presents a philosophical critique of early ideas about probability, induction, and statistical inference. He argues that the transformations that made it possible for probability concepts to emerge have constrained all subsequent development of probability theory and determine the space within which philosophical debate on the subject is still conducted.
  • Contribution to the Philosophy of Science

    Hacking was a main proponent of a realism about science called "entity realism" This form of realism encourages a realistic stance towards answers to the scientific unknowns hypothesized by mature sciences (of the future), but skepticism towards current scientific theories.
  • Contribution to Social Science

    In his book, The Social Construction of What? Hacking argues that aspects of the notion of social construction are obviously valid. Historical and cultural settings have an obvious effect on what is discovered, how it is discovered, as well as the interpretation of subjects, for example. However, Hacking also emphasizes that underlying scientific truths do exist.
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    Awards In Science

    Hacking received many honors and distinctions, including the Molson Prize (2001) and the Killam Prize (2002), both awarded by the Canada Council for the Arts; the Gold Medal for Achievement in Research (2008), awarded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada; and the Holberg Prize (2009), awarded by the government of Norway.
  • Introduction to Probability and Inductive Logic

    Ian Hackings' book draws the connections and differences between deductive logic and inductive logic and utilizing them along side with the Probability theory- (a branch of mathematics concerned with the analysis of random phenomena.)
  • Breakdown of "An Introduction to Probability and Inductive Logic"