HWT Approval Process Reform

  • Preliminary Discussions

    With Brad Bouch, Scott Holden and Thomas Anderson.
    Identified that:
    - The Current process has some flaws
    - What is a HWT?
    - Lack of needed data in communication such as DEL ADD
  • Review of AP Extreme HWT Definition

    -Core Shipment weighing 2000kg or above
    -Same consignee address split over 10 AWB's e,g
    -Different Consignee address located within same IATA code Any core shipment that exceeds:
    -Length: 300cm
    -Width: 200cm
    -Height: 160cm
    -Height: 160cm
  • Final Draft of current HWT approval process COMPLETED

    PROCESS FLOW (Low Quality)See Link to Image of HWT PROCESS
  • Feedback from Tom A.

    • CSA need to identify themselves more clearly when communicating to NCG - this will allow for easier identification of different shipments later in the process.
    • CSA need to clearly provide the following: - Address of Cnee - Delivery Address - Dims x Weight -AWB if already avail.
  • Sent out email to OPS staff requesting feedback

    After discussions with people at GTW, the need to review the current methods of communication between CSA and NCG/GTWOPS in regards to heavyweight (HWT) booking approval has been raised.
    From what I have noticed and what I have talked about with a few people so far, the process currently lacks efficiency due to two main points:
    - CSA not fully understanding the definition of a HWT (dims and weight)
    - Current email communication between CSA and NCG. (CSV screenshot)
  • CSV Screenshot Analysis

    CSV SCREENSHOTInformation Included:
    1. PU Address
    2. Dimenisons
    3. Destination IATA code Information Not Included:
    1.Specific DEL Address
  • Feedback from Brad B

    ▪Reference cards for CS / Sales and also NCG (e.g. NCG – additional cost process) ▪How should heavyweights that are not deemed as “Extreme” be communicated to GTW. Individual emails or GDA consolidating all heavyweight bookings and emailing by a certain cut off time. If this is adopted, define what should be communicated earlier / separately to the GDA report (i.e. mail outs - educational assessment).
  • Feedback from Matt H

    Contact Kate Bullock or Jovan Lazovic (CS Managers) and request some input from the CS team.