Humanities Notes

  • Patriots

    The patriots were formed in 1763.
    The patriots came together because they wanted to break away from England.
    The forming caused the colonists to become america instead of just colonies.
    Britain lost all of their colonies to America because of the patriots.
  • Boston Tea Party

    The boston tea party occurred on December 16, 1773.
    The colonists did the boston tea party because the colonists were angry about the Tea Act
    This affected the colonists by making them have to pay for the tea and not get any supplies or food until Brittain was paid.
    As a reaction to the colonists, the British blocked all ports leading into the colony. Also, they allowed no ships come in or out allowing no supplies to reach the colonists until all the tea that was dumped got paid for.
  • Coercive Acts

    The coercive acts began July 1,1774.
    The coercive acts were created to punish the colonists for the boston tea party.
    The coercive acts strongly affected the colonists because the colonists had to deal with things such as house the soldiers, and paying for the lost tea.
    Britain benefited from these acts by not having to provide for soldiers and by getting their money for lost tea back.
  • Second Continental Congress

    The second continental congress was in 1775.
    The second continental congress started meeting for the 13 colonies after the revolutionary war.
    This congress created a new army.
    The king made the olive branch petition.
  • Lexington and Concord

    The battles of Lexington and Concord took place on April 19, 1775.
    The colonists and british fought in the battles of lexington and concord because the colonists had finally had enough so when the british came in, the colonists were ready.
    These battles led to the revolutionary war that later led to our independence.
    The british after that had to fight in the war to attempt a defeat against the colonists in the war, but ended up losing all of the colonists .
  • Declaration of Independence

    The declaration of independance was created on July 4, 1776.
    The declaration of independence was created for America.
    The colonists now had a way to be free and documentation of their freedom
    The british gave the colonists their freedom, the colonists were separate from Britain
  • Continental Congress

    The Continental congress went from 1774 to 1789.
    The continental congress served as a government for the 13 colonies.
    The colonists were very excited that they had leaders that were going to stand up to great Britain.
    Great Britain tried to seize colonial guns and gunpowder.