
Human Resource/Modern Structural/System Theory

By drs412
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    Management- Resources Used

    Koontz, H. (1980). The Management Theory Jungle Revisited. Academy of Management Review, 5(2), 176-187. Retrieved June 1, 2012, from Modern Organization by Victor A. Thompson. (n.d.). Questia - The Online Library of Books and Journals. Retrieved June 2, 2012, from
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    Management Resources Used

    Scott, W. (1961). Oranizational Theory: An Overview and an Appraisal. Journal of Academy Management, 4(1), 7-20. Retrieved June 1, 2012, from
  • Victor Thompson Modern Organization

    Victor Thompson Modern Organization
    Thompson describes modern organization as a bureaucracy. Individuals are not motivated to work because they feel powerless. They feel their destiny has been chosen based on external factors rather than ability. As a result people become unhappy and unproductive. If individuals would learn to step out of bureaucracy and learn to co-operate then changes could be made. This is important in a school system. Everyone needs to feel part of team in order for a school to succeed.
  • The Management Theory Jungle

    The Management Theory Jungle
    Harold Koontz wrote about how the management systems are like a jungle. Thoeries of management have never evolved or matured but instead the jungle keeps getting denser. This means that as society evolves more and more theories are introduced on how to manage effectivly. This is similary to today in education. With all the constant changes being made and direction given from various sources we never give our schools the opportunity to develop the appropriate management theory that fits them.
  • Organization Theory: An Overview and Appraisal

    Organization Theory: An Overview and Appraisal
    William G. Scott feels earlier theorist lacked the insight to understand that management has a number of variables. It seems that as Scott continued to examine management organization he believed that you must have micro and macro forms of management in every organization. This is important because finding a balance is what helps organizations be successful. In education balance is key to successful students and schools.