
Human Life

  • Infancy

    In the infancy the child start to grow and adapt to the environment.
    At six months they start to sit down, At nine months the start to crawl and in the year they walk but in all the time they grow top and lower teeth.
  • Period: to

    Average Humans

  • Early childhood

    Early childhood
    The teeths start to grow, the child continue growing and it can run and jump.
    Learn more words and start to talk.
  • Childhood

    The brain grow 80% of size in comparation to an adult brain.
    Increase of weight 2 kg per year.
    Respiratory frecuence is slow like 20 to 35 respirations per minute.
    Grow like 7cm to 13cm per year.
  • Late Childhood

    Late Childhood
    This includes the child's entrance into to school to the time of puberty. During late childhood the child develops in mature thought and towards the end of this phase the body starts to physically change. Social skills are learned and sexual maturity starts to evolve.
  • Adolescence

    Continue growing.
    They start to grow hair in alll parts of you body.
    Your genitals start to grow.
    muds start to grow in your face.
  • Young Adulthood

    Young Adulthood
    They continue growing muds and your testosterone increase your muscles.
  • Adulthood

    The menopause start in menopause.
    The hair srart to convert gray.
    Adults start to get habosem.
    The bones lost calcim so it´s easy to get osteoporosis.
  • Old age

    Old age
    Bones lost calcium.
    They lost their abilities.