how the other half lives

  • noble order of the knights of labor formed

    organized in philidelphia. by garmet workers in 1869. open to farmers and merchants and wage earners
  • labor day holiday

    created in NYC in 1883. first holiday break for workers. this was a very big deal for the workers at this time
  • american federation of labor

    it was formed in 1886. workers said better work better pay. this turned out to be true and the workers got better pay.
  • haymarket square riot

    workers marched for 8 hours. police tried to step in and stop but 8 were killed and hundereds were wounded
  • how the other half lives

    how the other half lives
    this was a very hard time. many people lost their jobs and couldn't put food on the table or provide shelter. so they tried to live whever they could and do whatever they could do to survive
  • homestead strike

    industrial lockout and strike on june 30th, 1892. battle between strikers and personal security agents.
  • the pullman strike

    the pullman strike
    rents were high so they railroad workers went on strike. they stopped transportation from chicago to the west coast. that was hurtful because that was the main transportation from there.
  • coal strike

    united mike workers in coal feilds threatened to shut down winter fuel supply. because of pay, but eded up getting a pay raise
  • Coal Strike

    The strike threatened to shut down winter fuel supply to all major cities. President T. Roosevelt became involved and set up a fact finding commison tha ssuspened the strike. The strike never resumed.
  • the jungle

    meat was everywhere. the germs were everywhere and the workers had no where to wash their hands which spreaded the germs even more.
  • the bitter cry of children

    the bitter cry of children
    kids were put to work . they worked about 8 hour days and and everyday they did the same thing. they were getting payed very little for alot of work . there was no way of getting out of work even if your hand got cut off.
  • pure food and drug act

    united state federal law that provided inspections on meat for poisoning. they also inspected the food and made sure it was healthy
  • triangle shirt factory

    trianlge fire killed 146 workers. due to total deaths there are now more exits and fire hazzrds.
  • congress of industrial organization

    par of afl untill 1933. broke away becasue of organization along the industrial lines. they then joined together in 1955.
  • GM sit down strike

    GM sit down strike
    this stike was about the general motors . this stike happened from december 30th 1936-febuary 11-1937
  • nation labor relations

    pro labor used labor's right to organize legally recgonized. this is when the board was created then
  • fair labor standards

    in 1938 federal regulation of child labor was put down. all the childeren we excited for this news.
  • steel strike

    steel strike
    U.S. and other steel makers went on stike due to not getting payed enough and stayed on strike for 53. At the end of this strke the steel workers came out with a victory and increasing the wage they earn.
  • major league baseball strike

    major league baseball strike
    players and owners were didn't think that they were getting payed enough to play. they went on strike for a while and then came up with the agreement of a 500,000 dollar increase in pension
  • NYC transit strike

    transport workers union local 100. many customers were affected by this. due to pay raise. strike ended in 2005.