Hominid Review

  • Australopithecus

    Some human-like but mainly ape-like characteristics, Lucy (one of the earlist skeletons found by Joanson), could walk upright, had small teeth so they ate mostly fruits and nuts, had to live in groups to prevent falling prey to large cats. Lived 3 million+ years ago
  • Homo Habilis (Man of Skill)

    Homo Habilis (Man of Skill)
    had the first brain larger and more complex then a chimp, first to fashion tools but never moved out of africa. 2.5 million years ago
  • Homo erectus (upright man)

    Homo erectus (upright man)
    First to have a aymmetric brain like modern humans the more complex brain they had allowed them to develop more sophisticated tools and create fire. They had left Africa to go to Europe and Asia. They ended up dying out but lived between 1.5 million - 200,000 years ago
  • Neanderthal

    wore animal skins for warmth, built shelters, used tools, fire, believed in having buiral rituals, had empathy, and had occipital brains . Lived 35,000 years ago, died off mysteriously
  • Homo sapiens/ Cro Magnos

    Homo sapiens/ Cro Magnos
    Similar to modern humans, found 150,000 years ago, organized hunting parties had a real language, creative expressions through painting walls, co existed with other humanoids until 30,000 years ago