Homid Review

  • Australopoithecus

    Lived between 1 and 4.2 million YEARS ago.
    Brain Capicity 375-500 cc
    Average height male 4 feet female 3 feet
    Large teeth
    Dikkita Baby
  • Homo Habilis

    Lived 1.4 to 2.3 million YEARS ago.
    Brain capicity 510-750 cc.
    Average height male 3-5 feet female 4 feet.
    Use crude tools.
  • Homo Erectus

    Lived 1.9 million to 27,000 YEARS ago.
    Brain capicity is 850-1200 cc.
    Average height male 5.9 feet females 5.2 feet.
    Ridges above eye brows
  • Homo Sapien

    Lived 150,000 thousands YEARS ago.
    Similar to human.
    Superior hunting techiniques.
    Advanced lanuage.
    Co-Existed with other homids
  • Neaderthals

    Lived 35,000 to 130,000 thousands YEARS ago.
    Short limbs.
    Use teeth as a 3rd hand.
    Used tools and fire.
    Average height 5.5 feet tall.
    Believed in afterlife