Holocaust Timeline

  • End of World War 1

  • Period: to

    Holocaust Timeline by Destiny Owens

    By Destiny Owens
  • Hitler Youth

    Hitler Youth began in 1922 and was a way for the Nazis to begin brain washing children at a young age. Ages began at the youngest age of 10 and went up to 18.
  • Hitler goes to jail

    Hitler and some other Nazi's were sent to jail
  • Mein Kampf is published

    Mein Kampf was written by Adolf Hitler. It means "my struggle". Mein Kampf was published early 1925.
  • The Great Depression began

    The Great Depression wrought worldwide economic, social, and psychological consequences. The Weimar democracy proved unable to cope with the national despair.
  • Unemployment doubled

    Unemployment doubled from three million to six million, or one in three.
  • Hindenburg's term as President is soon to end.

    Hindenburg was 84 and was really reluctant to run again.
    He did anyways in fear of knowing Hitler would win. He won, but Hitler recieved 37% of the votes.
  • Hitler becomes Chancellor

    President Paul von Hindenburg appointed Hitler as Chancellor. Chancellor is normally a person that is the head of the government, incharge of foreign affairs, duties with justice and the person in charge of financial/economical matters.
  • Dachau opened.

    First concentration camp opened in Dachau.
  • Jewish stores boycotted

    From April 1-20, Jewish stores and businesses were boycotted nationwide.
  • Hitler becomes Fuhrer!

    President Hindenburg dies, Hitler takes control and appoints himself Fuhrer.
    Fuhrer is the leader of a group.
  • Nuremberg Laws

    Hitler established the Nuremberg Laws.
    These laws basically stripped, and seperated the Jews from the Germans; legally, politically, and socially.
  • Buchenwald

    The Buchenwald concentration camp was opened.
  • Polish Jews deported.

    First Polish Jews deported from Germany.
  • Night of the Broken Glass

    It was the day where the Nazi's allowed the Sturmabteilung to do what they want with the Jews' possessions, homes, and basically everything they had. Its known as the Night of Broken Glass because all night you could hear glass shaddering as the Storm Troopers went into Jewish homes, and businesses to take whatever they pleased. At least 91 Jews were killed in the attacks, and about 7,000 businesses destoried.
  • Jews were denied entry to Cuba and U.S.

    Jewish refudgees that were aboad the SS St. Louis denied entry to U.S, because the U.S. and Cuba had reached their maximum quota of foreigns they'd take in a year.
  • World War ll BEGINS.

    Hitler invades Poland, officially starting World War ll. Two days later Britain and French (obliged by treaty to help Poland) declared war on Germany.
  • Labeling the Jews

    General Governor Hans Frank issued an ordinance that Jews 10 and up living in the General Government must wear the Star of David on armbands or pinned to the clothing, This made it easier to identify Jews when establishing Ghettos.
  • Ghettos established

    By the year 1940, in total the Nazis established 356 ghettos in Poland, Romania, the Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia, the Baltic States and Hungary. Small ghettos weren't really closed off, but larger cities with bigger ghettos were closed off with brick or stone walls.
  • Established Auschwitz.

    The concentration camp in Auschwitz is established.
  • Gassing operation begins.

    Gassing operations begins in Chelmo.
  • Night and Fog

    The Night and Fog order was issued to prevent resistance. They did this by allowing military courts to swiftly sentence resisters to death.
  • Final Solution was outlined

    Major General Reinhard Heydrich convened the Wamsee Conference, a meeting with 15 top Nazi officials, where the Final Solution was outlined.
    The Final Solution was the way the Nazi's where going to get rid of the Jews. They said it was a "re-settlement program" although it was not. It was just a way to finish getting all of the Jews out of Europe to purify the race.
  • 'Jews need to be annihlated.'

    Hitler says "The result of this war will be the total annihlation of the Jews."
  • Inmates revolt

    Inmates in Auschwitz revolt against the Nazi's.
  • Only 1/3 of Jews left alive.

    There were about 9,508,340 Jews alive in 1933, and by the end of the holocaust in 1945, there were only about 3,546,211.
  • Dachau Concentration Camp is librated

    Dachau was the largest concentration camp, and was librated on April 21, 1945.
  • Adolf Hitler killed himself.

    Adolf Hitlerr killed himself by taking a cynanine pill. Along with his wife, Eva Braun,
  • End of Holocaust

    May 7th, 1945 German armed forces surrendered unconditionally to the allies. Although, for the western Allies World War II officially ended in Europe the next day May 8th. While Soviet forces announced their "Victory Day" on May 9th.
  • Nuremberg Trails

    The Nuremberg trails took place in Nuremberg , Bavaria, Germany. Began November 20, 1945- October 1, 1946 at the Palace of Justice.
  • Jews claim that the State of Israel is theirs.