
Hitler's rise to power

  • Hitler was born

    Hitler was born
    A child who would grow up to be a charismatic speaker and German demagogue
  • Mein Kampf was published

    Mein Kampf was published
    This was Hitler’s book where he developed his theories in propaganda, one being if one repeats an idea enough it will become accepted.
  • Arynization

    This was the beginning of Arynization which gave the Jewish businesses to Germans. The signs say "Don't buy from Jews. Shop in German businesses!"
  • Period: to

    Hitler's Propoganda

    The Propaganda Ministry began regulated music, literature, newspapers, radio, and cinema. Journalists no longer had freedom to write as they pleased, they could be charged for treason.
  • Reichtag Act

    Reichtag Act
    Reichtag Act allowed Hitler and his cabinet authority to issue new laws, even if they contradicted the constitution
  • Hermann Göring bolstering Hitler

    Hermann Göring bolstering Hitler
    Hermann Göring, second in command under Hitler, ordered leaders of Jewish organizations to stop spreading inhumane stories about the Germans. If they continued, there would be a pogrom of the Jews.
  • Public hit on the Jews

    Public hit on the Jews
    Hitler announces that his informal boycott will become official on April 1st .
  • Hitler isn't as powerful as he thinks

    Hitler isn't as powerful as he thinks
    Hitler put Jewish stars and “Jude” on Jewish stores in order to prevent people from going into their stores; however, people still flooded the stores of Jews. Hitler hasn’t gained power over the people yet.
  • Purging the regime of Jews

    Purging the regime of Jews
    “The Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service” was enacted that required the retirement of all “non-Aryans” (anyone with at least one Jewish grandparent) from public service. This was done to separate the Weimar Republic, which supposedly sought to help Jews, and the new regime.
  • Citizenship being stripped away

    Citizenship being stripped away
    If Ostjuden, eastern European immigrants living in Germany, were granted citizenship after WWI in August 1914 then the Law for the Repeal of Naturalization took it away from them.
  • Hitler and the Church

    Hitler and the Church
    The Church and Hitler signed an agreement. The Church was protected form Hitler and was views by the whole catholic community neutrally.
  • "Law Concerning the Reconstruction of the Reich"

    "Law Concerning the Reconstruction of the Reich"
    The “Law Concerning the Reconstruction of the Reich” disestablishing the government of the German states
  • "The Night of Long Knives"

    "The Night of Long Knives"
    On “The Night of Long Knives” the Nazi Gestapo arrested adversaries
  • Hitler keeps rising

    Hitler keeps rising
    National Socialist German Workers’ Party (Nazi party) was declared the sole party
  • Hitler gains military power

    Hitler gains military power
    President Paul von Hindenburg died and the army pledged their alliance to Hitler
  • Hitler helpig the people

    Hitler helpig the people
    Hitler had public works projects built by young men so the unemployment rate dropped
  • Excommunicating Jews

    Excommunicating Jews
    Hitler enacted the Reich Citizenship Law taking all citizenship away and political and civil rights from Jews. Also, the Law for the Protection of German Blood and Honor was enacted, which forbade Jews from interacting with Aryans and even raising a German flag.
  • Monitoring Jews

    Monitoring Jews
    Interior Ministry issued the Decree Regarding the Reporting of Jewish Property saying that all Jews must register their property
  • Kristallnacht- the begining of the end

    Kristallnacht- the begining of the end
    Hitler was able to rally up Germany after the death of vom Rath. This showed his power over the people at this point.
  • Jews lose all their property

    Jews lose all their property
    All Jews need to sell or get rid of any investments in industry or real estate that they still owned.