Hitler rise to power

  • New Nazi Party

    New Nazi Party
    Hitler wants to become the new leader of the Nazi party. He challenges Anton Drexler to become the new leader of the Nazi party. In Germany, after initial resistance, Drexler agrees and Hitler becomes the new leader of the party. Hitler wants to conquer Germany.
  • The Beer Hall Putsch

    The Beer Hall Putsch
    Along with the other ring factions and General Ludendorff he attempts to overthrow the Bavarian government with an armed uprising. And 2,000 Nazis march through Munich to the Beer Hall. They wanted to take over a meeting chaired by the three most important individuals in Bavarian politics. The following day, the Nazi's march in the street, the police open fire, Hitler escapes, but is captured. Tried for treason and serves 9 months in Landsberg prison.
  • Family

    Hitler's half sister (Angela Raubal, and her daughter Geli, move into Hitler's home on the Obersalzburg. Hitler's re;ationship towards Geli initially kindly, eventually borders on the obsessive. Fueling rumours that they were romantically linked; Hitler denied this. He didn't want any part of her. He just wanted to become stronger.
  • Hitler's new role

    Hitler's new role
    Hitler becomes a German citiizen, allowing him to stand in the presendential election against Hidenburg. Hitler becomes chancellor of a coalition government. Where the Nazi's have a third of the seats in the Reichstag. The German Reichstag is destroyed by fire. The plot and execution is almost certainly due to the Nazi', but they point the finger at the communists and trigger a General Election.
  • Night of Long Knives

    Night of Long Knives
    Hitler comes up with a plan. Hitler crushes all oppostion, with his own party. He eliminates all of his rivals. He's ready to take over.
  • No More Presidents

    No More Presidents
    After the death of President Hindenburg, Hitler becomes "Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor". Hitler abolishes the title of President. ANd continues his domination against the jews.
  • Peace Treaty

    Peace Treaty
    Hitler and Russia both sign a peace treaty. Secured with the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact. Hitler then invades Poland. After 3 weeks of lightning war of Blitzcrieg. The country is divided by Russia and Germany.
  • Crystal Night

    Crystal Night
    7,500 Jewish shops are destroyed and 400 synagogues are burnt. The attack is portrayed as a spontaneous reaction to the death of a German diplomat by a jewish refugee in Paris. It was actually orchestrated by the Nazi party.
  • Near fall

    Near fall
    Hitler survives an assassination attempt by Colonel Stauffenberg, who places a bomb in a briefcase under a table close to Hitler. As a result, Hitler purges the army of all possible suspects. And wants war. But not much happens.
  • Hitler's death

    Hitler's death
    Hitler commits suicide with his wife of two days, Eva Braun; their bodies are believed to have been cremated. Der Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler, dictator of Germany, burrowed away in a refurbished air-raid shelter, consumes a cyanide capsule, then shoots himself with a pistol, on this day in 1945, as his "1,000-year" Reich collapses above him.