Adolf hitler


  • hitlers birth

    historical significance: hitlers was born on April 20, 1889, Adolph Hitler was Austrian by birth. His parents, Alois and Klara, come from poor peasant families.
  • Hitler's mother dies.

    cause and effect:Klara Hitler dies of cancer. The loss of his mother affects Hitler deeply and it is said that he has a photo of her in his pocket when he dies. his left hitler in depression and he couldnot focus on his life. hitler was effected in many ways as now he was going to spend the next 38 years withouot his mother.
  • Hitler moves to Vienna

    cause and effect: At the age of 17, Hitler moves to Vienna, the capital of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. He plans to attend art school there but when he is rejected by the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts for the second time in October, he gives up on his dream. now hitler would join the army and begin his military career.
  • hitler and the hidenburg empire

    Faced with military service for the Habsburg Empire, Hitler takes action to evade this by moving to Munich in Southern Germany. This move is possible in part due to his inheritance of a small legacy from his father’s estate. Here his life continues much as before, until world events changed the course of Hitler’s life.
  • Hitler begins military service in World War I.

    historical significance: After ignoring his army orders in 1909 because of his hate for Austria and later being rejected by the Austrian army for being too weak, Hitler volunteers for Germany. With a war happening, medical examinations were not a strict and Hitler is accepted. this was major event because now hitler had started his mlitary careeer. and lateer this experience payed him off.
  • hitler gets infectted by mustard gas

    cause and effect: While fighting the British, Hitler is blinded by a mustard gas attack. He regains his sight but while he is recovering he is deeply depressed and spends much of his time crying. he couldnot focus on his career, which caused him to stop his trainig in the german army.
  • hitler joined the nazi party

    He ruled the party from August 2, 1921 to April 30, 1945. He came into German politics.and eventually was named chancellor by President Paul Von Hindenburg in January of 1933. this was major event because hitler came into the politics and this meant things for germany would now change
    cause and effect: as hitler had joined the nazi political party so it was a new era of development. and we all know what the end results were. the world war two came into being, and the results tremoundous.
  • The Jewish Holocaust begins.

    ethical dimension: nazs, led by Hitler, begin to systematically eliminate Jews from Eastern Europe. At least six million Jews will be killed, many in brutal concentration camps, before the Holocaust ends in 1945. Jews were banished from government jobs, they were not given any right in speech, liberty and power. the jews were tortured to death. this showed how much hitler was racist to jews. he wanted his race to be pure. For Hitler, the ideal "Aryan" was blond, blue-eyed, and tall.
  • For Hitler, the ideal "Aryan" was blond, blue-eyed, and tall.

    singnifi:After being named chancellor of Germany in 1933, a presidential election is held in 1934 that Hitler easily wins, partially because he vows to fight communism. He is now firmly in power as dictator of Germany. in the eyes of germans, now hitler's rank was pretty high as he was fighting against communism, and was making the german race pure by killing the jews. also he had established much of german infrastructure. he started raising an army which the treaty of versai did not allow him.
  • Hitler is named Time magazine's "Man of the Year."

    historical significance: Due to his political dominance and being such as central figure in the world, Time magazine names Hitler as "Man of the Year." The magazine describes the actions of his Nazi Party as "ruthless." his wise decisions and developement of germnay after it had been humiliated by the league of nations. germany had no money but yet hitler managed to establish germany's infrastruction. after recieving this award, hitler gained confidence and contineud what he was doing.
  • germany invades russia

    historical significance:
    Germany attacks Russia, ignoring the peace pact. Operation Barbarossa, The German invasion of Russia, begins. this shows the strenght of germany, yet it lost ww2
  • Hitler declares war against the United States.

    Four days after Japan bombs Pearl Harbor, Hitler declares war against the U.S. Germany had no agreement with Japan, but Hitler likes the fact that he is now the center of World War II, the biggest war the world has ever seen.
  • germany starts losing

    historical siginificance: Although commanded by Hitler to stand and fight, the Germans surrender in the battle of Stalingrad. From this point in the war, Germany is continually retreating.this was an alrm for germany that they have to boost their performance, and they end results were expected, Germnay lost badlt once again 2 years later.
  • Hitler survives an assassination attempt.

    cause and effect: Hitler escapes serious injury when a bomb explodes at his headquarters in Berlin. It is the third assassination attempt against Hitler. A senior officer is blamed for planting the bomb. this had alarmed hitler and the muredrer. now hitler and hs protection are vigilant.
  • Hitler orders the destruction of the Germany's infrastructure.

    ethical dimension: Hitler decides that since Germany has lost the war, the country does not deserve to survive. He orders the destruction of the railroads, highways, and other important features of German industry, but the order is not obeyed. this is ethically wrong to destroy your home land that you spent years to build.
  • Hitler commits suicide in Berlin.

    cause and effect: Probably trying to avoid being captured by Soviet troops, Hitler kills himself. He commits suicide by shooting himself in the head while biting down on a poisonous cyanide capsule. the german and now in depression as they has lost heir leader. and no one is there to dictate germany.